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Phil -

I'm a bit worried about sleeping in the same room as Dan, I still wasn't sure how much I could trust him. But I pushed that doubt down. I look at my clothes and realize I have literally nothing with me. I feel my cheeks heat as I realize I'm not going to be able to change for school. Great I finally get ... A friend... And I'm going to look like the most unsanitary person ever.

"Here." Dan says, tossing me a pair of sweats like he can read my mind.

"Thanks" I mumble, even more embarrassed now.

"Bathroom?" I ask.

"First door on the left."

"Thanks" I say again.

I walk into the bathroom and change out of my jeans. It's then I realize Dan didn't give me a shirt. I almost have a full on panic attack right then and there. He probably expects me, like any normal guy, to sleep shirtless. Which I normally do. But when I glance down at my arms I know that's not an option. I opt just to keep on my long sleeved shirt and hope he doesn't mention it.

When I walk back in the room he raises his eye brow but doesn't say anything. He's already changed and he's only wearing a pair of old, red sweatpants. I focus everywhere but on him.

"Night, then" I say, crawling onto the bed. It's surprisingly soft and I feel even worse about sleeping on it.

He smiles at me.


Authors Note:

Sorry this is short guys, I was going to put out a longer chapter and I had more written but I wanted to update soon. So I decided to find a good place to cut it and Ill finish up the other half I had written later. Thank you guys so much for all the reads!

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