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Soul's P.O.V.

When Stein came back in the morning, he wasn't too happy about Maka's and my arrangement. He went on and on about proper treatment, and how she had only had rest for a few days, blah blah blah. We made it through the rambling doctors speech, only to listen to another one about how we were going to treat this.

"You battled him once. This only a part of him. It's much weaker, but it's ability to inhibit your sight and focus may cause trouble," he went on "We need to work on strengthening your sight. That way you can both work past it, and enter the soul again. To beat it this time. If you can't work past this, the Soul will consume Maka. And she will become a kishin."

Both Maka and I turned to each other in panic. I tried to convince her with just my facial expression that everything would be okay. She still looked panicked, so I grabbed her hand. She smiled weakly in return, and we continued listening to Stein.

"Maka, you need to keep your emotions in check. Any feeling that is too erratic will trigger you to fight the soul again," she nodded, and slowly removed her hand. Apparently she was afraid that would cause erratic feelings. That was the end of his speech, and although she had been through surgery, she had to remain at the hospital for another few weeks for recovery, but knowing Maka she wouldn't want to stay too long. Maka was still sitting in her hospital bed, but you could tell she wanted to get up and move around. I took her hand again, and squeezed it. I felt the need to kiss her, but remembering what happened last time, I was able to restrain myself, to just an Eskimo kiss. Our noses rubbed against each other, and when I opened my eyes, she had turned a rosy pink color, and her lips were scrunched up in an embarrassed form.

"Do you want anything from home," I asked her, "I'm going to stop by there now," 

"Could you grab some of my books, my long bigger ones? Pajamas and warm fuzzy clothes would be appreciated too,"

"Okay, I'll be back in a while," I squeezed her hand one last time, before I left, close to crying.

My Maka, if we couldn't defeat this thing, she could become a kishin.

A kishin.

I ran home, to the comfort to our apartment. Shoving past random people in the crowd, not caring to apologize. I reached our apartment, and closed the door, and slunk down to the floor, with my head in my hands.

What if she doesn't beat it?

Maka P.O.V.

"Stein, tell me what's really going on." I couldn't help it, what he told Soul was a load of bullshit, I knew it was. He turned around, and looked at me with fear and sadness. I felt the need to back away, but as I was laying on a hospital bed, I couldn't.

"Stop looking at me like that," My voice hardened "What's really going to happen to me?"

"Maka," his throat closed up, and he looked like he was going to cry, "the kishin has taken a large part of your soul,"

"What do you mean, taken?" I could hear my voice start to crack.

"It's taking you, your soul, your body, like an infection, it's covered so much ground already," I could tell he was looking at my soul.

"So what are you saying? Can't-Can't I fight back!?" I cried hysterically,

"You're not going to make it, next time it takes you, you're not going to wake up,"

"You mean, I'm going to die?"

"You'll be living in a hell inside your own head. As if you were comatose, except the kishin will take over your body,"

"So you're saying I'm a kishin already?" 

"You don't realize it, but part of you is, you're in control of it, for now," My hand covered my mouth, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't fight this off, I would become something I had been fighting for years. That's what didn't hurt, it was knowing how Soul would take this if he ever found out. He would try to fight so hard, only to fail. If Stein truly believed that I wouldn't be able to survive, how would this turn out?

"I'll release you from the hospital in a few days, that way you can spend time with your friends and family,"

"You said I would only die if it takes over my body once more," 

"Yes, any erratic emotion, or emotions, can trigger it."

"I can fight it off for a while than, right?"

"You can try," I nodded. 

I would fight this off, I wouldn't let Soul see me as a kishin. 

I wasn't ready to loose my friends. 

Especially, Soul.

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