A New Mission

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Maka P.O.V

I woke up, there were no more bad dreams the rest of the night. It was peacful. I was on the far side of Soul's bed. His hands were around my waist. His breath was slow and steady. He was still sleeping, his body radiated heat. I curled inside of him. His arms tightened around me.






I sat straight up and ran into my room. What was I thinking he's my partner. He can't be anything more. He won't be, I won't let that happen. The warmth that was on my seconds ago had diminished. Someone knocked on the door.

"Go away." I stuffed my face into my pillow and crawled under my blankets.

The door opened.

"Maka? What happened? Did I do something wrong?" I looked up at Soul. He was in his boxers. Holy shit. Did I just...?

"W-w-were you wearing those the whole night?" He looked down.

Seconds went by.

"I'M SO SORRY MAKA. THIS IS EMBARASSING." He ran back to his room.

"For you and me both."

Soul's P.O.V

I'm a bigger idiot than Black*Star.

And that's saying something.

I'm pretty sure I screwed up our whole relationship in a matter of 5 hours.

I threw some jeans on and a green shirt. I went out to make breakfast, Maka's favorite. This has to be perfect otherwise she would hate me even more.

Crona got up and helped set up plates. Maka came out ten minutes later in black pants, her boots, and a pink shirt.

"I want a new mission." She said automatically.

"Is that really the best idea? You haven't been....stable this week." I said. I was honestly worried about her. If she kept pushing herself she would break.

And she was already on the brink of snapping.

"It'll give me something to focus on."

"Well, we can call Death. It's a Saturday so we can't really go look at the mission board." I suggested.

"Alright!" She finished her meal and dragged me off to her bedroom. She fogged up the mirror with her breath.


"Whenever you want to knock on Deaths door" I cut in. It started ringing.

"Yo! Sup! What's going on you two!?"

"Lord Death, we woul like a new mission please." Maka blurted.

"Just you and Soul?" He asked

"Yes" we say in unison.

"We may have a case in Canada. A man is on the brink of becoming a Kishin. The locals call him a Windigo. You think you can handle it?"

"Yes." Maka said with complete confidence.

I was not so sure.

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