Pro's of Shock, and Con's of Waking Up

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Maka's P.O.V.

I was...bleeding? I had read about going into shock, but I never imagined it would happen to me. I kinda understood what was happening. I remember the fight with the soul, and I remember something soft and warm on my lips...wait.

By Lord Death, did Soul Evans kiss me?

Oh, shit.

Besides that. I remember burning up in my shoulder. Pain was everywhere in my chest but it was worse up in that area. I was so tired and faint. I remember seeing my own blood and thinking "Huh, well, this is normal, right?" and Soul was carrying me, or was it Spirit, I mean Papa? I don't remember. But the worst part was waking up. Because,

1.) I was fresh out of adrenaline, and that meant there was no shock that subdued my pain.

2.) Stein was in the room cleaning up bloody tools, which I assumed he used on me, the worst part is that he tried to make a casual conversation about it. "Oh, yeah, this is some of your dead skin tissue, pretty cool, right?"

3.) I had to face Soul.

Fortunately, when I woke up Soul hadn't arrived, mainly because Stein refused visitors because I was in such a critical state. The soul had just barely missed one of my major veins, which would have killed me in minutes. He explained that, that kind of emotional trigger opened a doorway to the soul. And that's how we ended up there. I had been unconscious for two days straight, and Soul was going nuts trying to get in here.

But after Stein left to go home to his Mrs. Marie, I suddenly felt very lonely, and very afraid. There was a..a...soul that wasn't mine inside of me. And any dramatic emotional instability could cause me to face it again.

It terrified me.

I didn't want to be left alone with myself.

Despite all the tubes inserted into my arms and legs, I got up and hobbled to the nurses home phone.

Who could I call this late?

Soul's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I answered and managed to croak out a groggy "Helwyo?" And listened for a voice on the other end.

"Soul?" said a weak, and small voice.

"Maka?!" I said with joy, and sat straight up in bed.

"Mhmm, it's kinda freaky here, can you come over to the DWMA nurses room?"

"Right now?" I said, I had no idea how to get into the school this late at night.

"I know it's a lot to ask, I'm sorry, I'll see you tomorrow morning?" She attempted to sound chipper.

"I guess..." I trailed off, no way in hell was I leaving her alone. Who knows what could happen?

Maka's P.O.V.

What was I thinking?! I waddled back to my hospital bed and thought of what I would say to him tomorrow. Or tonight? I'm so confused. All of a sudden there was a tap on the door, my back stiffened, and I turned around to see Red eyes and white hair waving wild together my attention.

I flushed a pure shade of pink, and got up to open the door. I felt really happy, but then remembered Steins' warning, and took in a deep breath. This was just Soul. He's a just a 'cool' popular guy who's your lazy partner and friend. I opened the door and the first thing he did was hug me, and whisper, "Please don't ever do that again," he insisted on carrying back to bed, and I moved close to him, taking in his heat trying to ignore the awful pain in my shoulder. He laid me down on my bed.

"Soul, I wanted to..."

"Later, you need rest,"

Soul moved another bed next to mine and laid in that one. He stuck his hand through the bed bar and took my hand. I could feel out souls resonating just barely resonating.

I could stay like this all night, and I did.

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