Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The greenie waited a moment for me to say something, but my mind was alive with something stunningly new... color.

I didn't notice as the Baggers took the greenie to the slammer to wait for Alby to talk to them. I didn't notice anything but the colors around me.

Green. The ivy, so familiar, so reminding. The trees, comforting. The trunks weren't green, though. They were another color. Brown. Brown, the dirt, coming in patches from the grass. Brown, the lookout tower, the huts, my clothes. Blue, the sky. The beautiful, beautiful sky. It looked so much bigger now. But why? The clouds were white, I could see them so clearly now. Shades, different shades, the same color but different.

"Newt?" Winston nudged my shoulder.

"I can see them," I mumbled, "I can see color."

"The greenie's your soulmate?" Chuck asked. I blushed; I'd been so surprised I hadn't thought...

"Newt, what the shuck is going on?" Alby came trotting up, asking.

"The greenie came here, saw Stephen's name, and started crying," Gally summarized. "Now Newt can see colors."

"Really, Newt?"

I nodded dumbly, still taking in the colors around me. There was a tiny pink flower at Alby's feet. Chuck had a yellow rubber band on his wrist. Frypan had a red sash. Pink, yellow...

The colors felt familiar, the names meant something. This was the closest I'd been to memories of my life outside the Maze... the closest I'd been to my real life. It was amazing.

"Come on, Newt. I'll show you around before I talk to the greenie. I'd been waiting a long time to show you some colors."

I followed Alby around the Glade as if I was seeing it for the first time; as, perhaps, I was. Alby showed me a place where the light hit the window just right and made a rainbow. He showed me the colorful fish that lived in the Glade's stream. He showed me a collection of purple flowers that grew in the Deadheads. It might not seem interesting to you, Creators, but it was the greatest day of my life. I'd seen things an entirely new light; I'd had a new joy in life. It was so...



"Oh, nothing." I shrugged it off, but I couldn't stop staring. Alby had taken me to the slammer to see the greenie, and I had to admit, they were beautiful. Even huddled as they were, tearfully sleeping in a corner, they were breathtaking.

My soulmate. The greenie.

I'd never expected to have a soulmate. I'd given up. But now... now. I had a reason again. A reason to stay. Color. A soulmate.

"Greenie!" Alby called, stepped close to the bars.

"No," I stopped him, "No, let them sleep. Please. They look exhausted."

"They'll sleep through the bonfire!" Alby argued.

"It's no fun for the greenies anyways. I'll bring them dinner tonight, check on them, see if they're awake. But let them sleep for now?"

"Alright, Newt." Alby agreed. "But no funny business, even with your soulmate!"

I blushed, even though he was just teasing.


Alby walked off to get back to work. I stayed for a moment, watching the greenie's chest rise and fall through the bars. Then I realized how creepy it was watching someone sleep and left to finish my work for the day.

Speaking of which, I have planting to do now, so I'll resume this recording later.

Oh, last thing. My tomatoes looked beautiful... Red. My tomatoes. 

Newt x Reader Colors Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now