Chapter Fourteen

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I have a lot more work cause  of No Way Home

Time skip two weeks (Let's just call it a Wednesday :D)

           All was going well for MJ. Decathlon is something she naturally is good at even without the glasses. Everyone is afraid of her- which is incredibly funny-, and homecoming was coming up soon. She only wishes that her work on Spider-Man would be going quicker. It's not that she wants to unmask the dude and possibly have to try to arrest him. It's mostly that she doesn't want to get too attached.

       She likes herself as uncaring MJ who doesn't have to worry about what people think and having a put together appearance all the time. And for once she can finally openly find other people's trivial misery and crisis funny. She even started a sketch book that she &&@7'can take with her and draw in or take notes in.

The only thing slightly off is that the loser hasn't been here since Monday. 'Peter seemed fine on Friday but if he caught a fever then he might've stayed home for this long..' KC frowns a little bit. 'There also wasn't a Spider-Man sighting since Friday night. Maybe Peter and Spider-Man both got hurt some how..' She thinks not liking that idea much at all. Peter may not be as scrawny as all the blind people here think but he's no Captain America for sure.

After school KC gets a call on her bracelet and Johnson appears in front of her. "Any more data?" He asks demandingly. KC rolls her eyes and just tells him that Spidey hasn't been in the neighborhood recently before hanging up the call. The organization seems oddly desperate for any information on the Spider. She just sighs and decides to start on her homework.

Time skip to the next day after school brought to you by this going awfully slow

KC finds herself wondering about the park when she hears a soft thud behind her. She whirls around and sees Spider-Man. "Hi MJ uh I was swinging around and saw you so I thought I'd say hi." "Your suit is different.  You're working with Stark." She says. "Oh yeah! Like it?" Peter does a small twirl. "You're such a dork." MJ says with a tone of fondness. "Am not! I'm a super-spider who is very manly and brave!" Peter says with so much conviction you can hear the pout. "Mhmm yeah sure." KC says in a un-believing but teasing tone.

"Well I gotta go!" Spider-Man says before swinging off to the nearest building.

The next day at lunch Peter's back. 'Peter is gone at the same time as Spider-Man. But they weren't back at the same time-' "We should probably stop staring before it gets creepy." Peter's voice cuts off her thoughts. "Too late. You guys are losers." MJ says not knowing any of the context. "Well then why do you sit with us?" Peter counters. "Because I don't have any friends." She says honestly.

Decathlon is during her library period and she's glad she signed up. So far it's better than studying and doing homework. Flash being wrong is really funny. "You've never even been in the same room as Tony Stark." Flash snarks at Peter. 'Tony Stark. Could be interesting.' She pulls up information on her phone about Peter. The only thing that changed was that he quit robotics and marching band. 'I already knew that. But the others might wanna know' She thinks.

"He quit marching band and robotics lab." She says and sensing the weird looks KC adds "I'm not obsessed with him I'm just very observant."

The rest of the day went quickly and she finds herself strolling along the busy sidewalk. She knows that since she has things to do and identities to reveal but that can wait. Right now she's MJ walking home from school not KC trying to stop some bad dude from doing some bad thing.

"Hi Michelle! Bye Michelle!!" Peter suddenly burst out of the store and starts running down the street in an amusing rush. 'Dork' MJ thinks almost fondly.

She continues to walk around until it's just been a big circle. 'Hmmm that's the place that Peter ran out of this afternoon.' She shrugs and walks in and to the counter. "Hi can I have whatever the loser gets? The loser with the curly brown hair that ran out of your shop rushing like the dork he is?" He raises an eyebrow but doesn't question the request.

Totally satisfied with her sandwich and gummies. KC sits down to eat the smushed sandwich. Five bites in there's a fight going on down the street. Spider-Man is fighting bank robbers. She pulls out her glasses and zooms in. 'Lazers...' she thinks. "We need to get out. Spider-Man is fighting something down tinge street it's too dangerous to stay here." Mr. Delmar seemed not to believe her. "Well if you don't believe me then you can go across the street and check for yourself."

He seems to except that answer and walks out of the building as a laser hits it. And a fire starts. KC starts to move on instinct when she hears a small meow. "Come here. Yeah it'll be okay." She scoops the cat into her arms. The fire is spreading around the walls and even though it's so hot a cold terror fills up inside of her.

At that second Spider-Man shows up. "Come with me!" He yells over all the noise of the shop slowing being destroyed. KC takes careful steps toward the vigilante and Spider-Man opens the burning door for them to walk out of. "You guys okay?" He asks genuinely.

KC releases a shuddering breath. "As good as I'll get considering the situation." She decides to answer honestly for once. 'Doing my job is getting harder and harder..'

She shudders a little bit her arms chilly in the late evening having left her jacket in the store. "I'll get you a new one-"
Peter says noticing her movements. She opens her mouth to protest but he's already gone. Fire people show up and direct them to a standing shop nearby.

MJ pulls out her sketch book and starts sketching Spider-Man's mask from when he realized her jacket was gone for good. 'What a dork.' She thinks almost fondly. 'Peter and Spidey: the biggest nerds known to this earth' Soon Spider-Man comes back with a long tan trench coat. "Uh here-" he awkwardly hands her the coat. "Not bad loser." 'Not bad at all..'

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