Chapter one

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Wellcome to chapter one. Now rewritten


I go to my house knowing Marissa is there. "Congrats! You're going on a long term mission with me!" I say fake excitingly hoping for her not to take it too hard.  She starts to stress out anyways "What do I tell my parents?! What about school?? And-" I quickly cut her off. "Tell your parents you got accepted into a fashion school.  And pack cause we're leaving later today!" I call to her as I walk up the stairs to pack my own clothes and equipment. 'Michelle Jones. Michelle is such a long name. Doesn't matter. I need to make sure I can get information but at the same time people don't ask me questions.'
Time skip to when they arrive to the apartment brought to you by me being fine
We start to unpack. I finish quickly. I start to help Marissa. I decide to learn the area, maybe know how to get to school. I put in the contact lenses that the organization gave us just to make sure I won't get lost.

With 🅱️eter 🅱️arker (his pov)
I'm glad I finished back to school shopping with Ned, now there I can finally go Spider-Manning. I slip on my homemade suit. 'I really need to figure out how to upgrade this.'
As I swing I see a car headed straight towards a bus with no signs of stopping. I drop down catch the car and swing away hoping no one got that on video.


I take a shortcut to get home and I'm walking through an alley when a guy starts confronting me. "Give me your money!" He shouts at me. I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow. "No." I start to walk away not impressed "I'll shoot you!" I turn back around and see someone else drop into the alley and disarm the gun. "Didn't anyone tell you that robbing people isn't actually a job?" He quickly jumps into action. Sticking the guy to the wall. I call out. "Wait! I have a few questions. I won't try to remove your mask and I won't film."

I know that it's going to be a failed attempt but it never hurts to try. "Sorry, I have an identity to keep." Spider-Man says and swings off.

I'm not that disappointed. I got his height. I know his voice although it could be modified manually or by the suit.
"Where were you! I got everything ready for school~" She half worries half sings. I already know she only got school supplies and not books. She hands me an already packed bookbag and everything in there is an earth-tone or neutral color. "I was reading your character. And I think that she would look good in boringish clothes." She says excitedly
"You bought me new clothes didn't you." I deadpan already knowing the answer.

"Yeah! And before you even ask I did pick out an outfit for tomorrow. Don't worry it totally works!" She's way too excited about this. I tell her goodnight and go to bed.

Trying to rewrite this is really a train-wreck ngl. Cause sometimes it saves when I'm not ready or it doesn't save and I have to re-rewrite it.


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