💙 In Your Eyes ✨

819 9 1

Words: 764

Pronouns: They/Them

The sounds of scraping and pen to paper are the only things produced from the lab late at night. Viktor worked endlessly on his newest project and (Y/n) wrote the process down in their designated work journal. No words are being spoken between the two, yet still being in complete sync with each other as they work through the night.

Placing down their pen (Y/n) pulls out their pocket watch to check the time. Sighing at the time they place their journal down and lean back in their chair to rest their eyes for a moment. Viktor raises his head from his work to observe them for a moment as (Y/n) stands and grabs a book from one of the many bookcases in the lab.

(Y/n) makes their way to the loveseat flicking on the lamp sitting on the small end table. They slowly ease their way into the cushions of the seat and open their acquired book flipping to the page marked by a small piece of paper.

(Y/n)'s eyes glance up for a moment catching Viktor's stare giving a slight smile in turn. Viktor snaps his head forward and attempts to focus on the blueprints in front of him. The only thing at the forefront of his mind is their eyes. After a few moments, he stands making his way over to them.

Sitting on the seat next to them Viktor looks over the book they're reading. The sight of constellations on the pages was no surprise. (Y/n) leans the book closer to him and starts talking about the different constellations in the different parts of the world. The book sparked an idea in his head he stands back up and offers a hand to (Y/n) as a silent proposal.

(Y/n) looks up in confusion when Viktor offers a walk to go see the stars. Pure joy fills their eyes at the idea and Viktor wished that they looked at him with that same adoration. Quickly grabbing his hand (Y/n) jumps up in excitement almost dragging Viktor to the door. Viktor gives a small tug to their hand to stop them from running off without him.

"It's cold tonight we should grab our coats first." (Y/n) laughs at themself and quickly makes their way to their coat.

Viktor puts on his coat preceding to grab his cane before making his way back over to (Y/n). He tries to ease his nerves as he locks the lab doors when (Y/n) grabs his hand rushing slightly ahead of him resetting any progress he made to calm himself. Viktor's mind tries to reason that it is solely platonic while (Y/n) is elated to share their favorite hobby with their favorite person.

Finally making their way outside of the academy (Y/n) almost glowing with excitement rambles on about the different constellations and stars that can be seen from the bridge. Viktor looks at them with adoration slightly leaning into their side. The sight of the stars may be beautiful but nothing can compare to the stars residing in (Y/n)'s eyes.

The pair make their way up the bridge and sit on one of the many benches rested atop the stone. (Y/n) quickly starts pointing out their favorite constellations and answering any questions Viktor asks. At one point they point at a constellation that Viktor can't make out and grab his hand to direct his eyesight to the sky above.

Viktor can't take his eyes off the happiness on their face. Feeling his gaze on their face they look over to him. (Y/n)'s eyes once again draw his focus seeing that same adoration as before, yet this time it is directed at him. The only light around the two of them is the stars above.

Feeling their breath fan over his face he leans in a slight amount giving them the option to back away when (Y/n) closes the space in between them placing their hands upon his jaw. The stress and nerves finally eased away at the touch of their lips on his. The pair in sync once again share unspoken words through the kiss.

The two break away with smiles on their faces and ease into an embrace and look back up to the night sky. (Y/n) rests their head upon his shoulder as the two lean into each other.

As Viktor places a kiss on their temple he realizes why the sky is dark, for their eyes hold all the light.

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