💙 Sunlight ✨

583 9 9

Words: 493

Pronouns: They/Them

Sunlight flows through the window covering the bedroom in a soft golden glow. Delicate hands run through flowing brown hair easing Viktor out of his deep sleep. Gentle words murmured into listening ears as he opened his eyes. Soothing lips pepper loving kisses on any reachable part of his face as the corners of his lips turn up.

Viktor leans his head into the crook of their neck and murmurs "What time is it, Sluníčko?"

"Doesn't matter" (Y/n) laughs running their hands through his hair. "It's a rest day today, remember?" Planting a kiss on the crown of his head "you're stuck with me today."

Viktor shakes his head slightly, placing a kiss of his own on their collarbone, closing his eyes again. Knowing they'll win anyway if he tries to fight it, he surrenders the workday to rest with the light of his life. Movement stirs him out of his stupor when (Y/n) attempts to make their way out of bed. The idea of getting out of bed now almost offends him as he wraps his hand around their wrist pulling their back slightly.

"Where are you going?" He asks as he squints at them with sleep-laden eyes.

Laughing at his antics (Y/n) rests their hand on his jaw and mutters "I'm going to make us breakfast, pretty boy." Face flushing at the compliment he nods and attempts to hide his face back into the pillows. After hearing the door close he moves to stare up at the ceiling in wonder at how he was so lucky to be where he was.

After a few moments, he swings his legs over the side of the bed and makes his way over to the kitchen grabbing his cane that was leaned against the doorframe. A sweet aroma fills the apartment as (Y/n) moves gracefully throughout the kitchen. Leaving his cane resting against the counter he makes his way behind them, wrapping his arms around their waist.

Smiling (Y/n) leans back into his touch as he rests his head onto their shoulder. Flicking all the knobs off on the stove they spin around to face Viktor wrapping their hands around his neck.

Starting to sway a little they smile and rest their head on his shoulder whispering "dance with me?" into his ear.

Laughing softly at their antics he pulls them closer "anything for you, Sluníčko."

The pair sway slowly in the glow of the sunlight filling the room. Viktor grabs their hand and spins them with a soft smile on his face as they laugh in delight. Pulling (Y/n) back closer to him, he presses a delicate kiss on their temple as they sway through the kitchen.

After a few moments of fleeting kisses and spins (Y/n) pulls away to finish making breakfast. Viktor makes his way to the kitchen table resting his chin in his hand smiling as he observes the way his light moves. 

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