Mina - Dancing 🦋

452 2 4

Gender Neutral Reader

Can be both Platonic or Romantic


3rd person POV

Y/n sat at their desk, looking over their textbook for what seemed like the millionth time. "I still don't get it, what are we even supposed to do?" They wondered out loud. Behind them, Mina laid sprawled out on their bed. "How am I supposed to know?"

Y/n sighed. "This is due in 2 days..." they mumbled, mostly to themselves. 

"I think it's time for us to take a break." Mina said, jumping up from the bed. Finally, Y/n looked up from their work. "Mina, we have to finish this assignment-" 

"Shush, child." Mina hushed, scrolling through her phone. Suddenly, music began playing from her speaker, echoing through the room. She turned to Y/n with a big grin on her face. Y/n shook their head, closing the textbook. "No, no no- Mina we gotta finish this-"

Mina, not bothering to listen to their complaints, grabbed Y/n's hand and pulled them out of their chair. "C'monnnn Y/n, dance with me!" She then began dancing around the room, still hand in hand with Y/n. They laughed at the pink girl in front of them, hesitantly beginning to dance along.

They quickly got distracted, spinning eachother around in circles, doing the weirdest dance moves that came to mind, and screaming the lyrics to the songs that played through Mina's phone. The homework, being completely forgotten, sat at the desks unfinished as they danced around Y/n's dorm room. 

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