Todoroki - Cuddle Buddies ☁️

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GN Reader

✨ T o d o r o k i   C u d d l e s ✨

2nd person POV

Fluff ☁️

You lay sprawled out on the soft sheets of your bed, staring at the ceiling blankly. You were bored out of your mind, as it was now 3:38 in the morning and you were yet to have gotten an ounce of sleep. 

You'd been tossing and turning all night, but you just couldn't sleep. For whatever reason, your brain had decided that it just was not going to shut, the fuck, up. 

You'd listened to calming music, read books, watched those "satisfying soap" videos on YouTube. Nothing. You were restless, and you had no idea why. So now you were here, staring at your ceiling and waiting for daylight. Knowing yourself, you'd probably catch up on sleep in class. Which means you'd also catch up on sleep in detention, but you would take what you could get. 

but then, you heard  a quiet knock at your door. You sat up, looking at the door curiously. 'Who else is awake??' You got up from the bed, quietly rushing to the door as a feeling of relief overcame you. 'Thank god-"

Opening the door about halfway, you were met with the grey-and-blue eyes of none other then Shoto Todoroki. You both just stood there for a moment, before you spoke. "Cant sleep either?" The boy simply shook his head in response, but it was enough. You move to the side, nodding your head towards the interior of your dorm. 

He steps into your room, the purple LED lights strung across your ceiling faintly lighting up the room. You close the door, before turning to the boy- who was now laying on your bed. You lay down next to him, the both of you now looking at the ceiling together. 

This time it wasn't as irritable- Todoroki's presence making already you feel much less lonely in your room.  

This was a normal occurrence. A couple of weeks prior to this, probably 4 or so, neither you nor Todoroki were able to sleep. You ran into each other in the kitchen, and what started as a quick midnight snack turned into a 3 hour long conversation between the both of you- about nothing in particular, really.

Ever since then you had begun to rely on each other heavily when it came to sleep. There was something about Todoroki that was so calming to you, shutting up your brain just long enough for you to finally find sleep. It was a mutual phenomenon- thankfully. Other wise that'd be really awkward. 

Todoroki felt safe in your presence, something he would never admit to anyone. No one knew about this little "arrangement" aside from the two of you. And you were gonna keep it that way. 

After a minute or two, you turn on your side to face him. He moved his head to the side, meeting your gaze. Heat rose to your face, and you only hoped he didn't notice. Instead you smiled at him, secretly melting his heart as he returned it. Barely any words were exchanged, as he lifted the covers he was under allowing you to scoot under the blankets. 

Your arms were now pressed up against his chest, folded in front of you as his own were wrapped around you. He buried his face in your hair, the smell of your shampoo being oddly comforting.

His hand ran up and down your back softly, lulling you to sleep. 

"Goodnight y/n." He mumbles, his voice being muffled by your hair as you smile to yourself. "Night, shoto." 


The next morning you wake up alone, already missing the warmth of the dual-haired boy. But unfortunately,  if you were caught cuddling by a teacher you'd probably get in lots of trouble so he had to get up and leave early (much to your disappointment)

When you saw eachother at the breakfast table that morning, neither of you mentioned it at all. Simply just exchanged smiles and "good morning"'s, before going back to the food you'd been served. 

No one had any idea, and you deep down were very excited for the next time you'd get to cuddle with him. But until then, you were simply just gonna have to wait. 

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