Bakusquad x Male Reader ⚠️

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Male Reader

Bakugou x Reader [platonic]

Not-so-good Bakusquad [bad friends]

For this imagine, when I say "bakusquad" I kinda just mean Jirou, Denki, Sero, Mina, and Kirishima. Kinda takes the "Baku" out of "bakusquad" but eh.


"Hey uh, we still on for tomorrow?" Y/n asks, raising an eyebrow at his red-headed friend. "Oh- sorry man, forgot to tell you. We had to cancel, a couple of things came up, plus Aizawa's crazy assignments, y'know?" Kirishima says, chuckling at the end as he rubbed the back of his neck. "...oh, alright then."

"Yeah- sorry man, next time though"

He nods, looking away from Kirishima who was turning to leave. " time."


Rain pattered against the paved road, bright signs and screens of city buildings lighting up the night sky. Y/n walked alongside the various tall buildings, rain coat covering the upper half of his body. The hood was over his head, only the bangs of his hair poking out from under it.

With his hands in his pockets, he walked until he made it to the down-leading stairs to the subway, finally being covered from the rain long enough to take off the jacket.

Despite it being nighttime, the subway still had its fair share of people in it. Not exaclty packed, but nowhere near empty either. Y/n sat at a nearby bench, pulling out his phone to pass time until his train arrived.

Maybe 20 minutes passed, when he heard the all-too familiar sound of the train pulling into the station. He looked up, train doors opening and people spilling out of the confined vehicle.

Just as he went to stand up, however, he caught a glimpse of pink, and his eyes darted to it instinctively.

And, much to his surprise,he was met with the sight of not just Mina, but Kirishima, Denki, Sero, and Jirou- all gathered into a group exiting the train.

Seeing the teens, y/n's expression changed into one of confusion. They obviously just returned from somewhere, all holding soda cups and chattering loudly about something. Mina was holding a plastic bag, most likely filled with junk food.

'Cancelled, huh? Guess now I know what their "plans" were...'

Y/n's chest tightened, the feeling of anxiousness and jealousy washing over him. Anxious, cause they'd lied to him. Anxious, cause this meant that they must hate him, clearly. Jealous- cause he wasn't there, laughing and eating junk with them.

Before they could see him, he quickly ducked in between strangers to get to the train. Using his hand to shield his face, he made it onto the vehicle and exhaled deeply. "Great way to start the weekend, huh..."


He wished he could say it wasn't what he thought it was. Maybe a miscommunication, or a hallucination, even. But nope. His friends had lied to him, lied to get away from him.

And then they did it again, and again, and again.

After the subway, they went out and got ice cream together. Y/n was told they were running errands for the dorm.

Then they went to the mall and had a "shopping day." Y/n was told they went to the library to study.

Most recent was when they went to a concert, some rock band downtown- Jirou's idea of course. Y/n was told they were tired from training, and decided to stay at the dorms for the night.

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