Sero - Sneak Out 🦋 [spider man moment]

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3rd Person POV

"Sero slow down!" Y/n laughed, using their quirk to fly closer to the black haired boy. "Sorry, mi amor!" Sero responded, dropping down onto the nearest rooftop. 

The two had snuck out of their dorm a few hours prior. At first they had only left to see a movie, but they soon got distracted and began to wonder around the city. And this, of course, led to a race, where they went from rooftop to rooftop, Sero using his tape, and Y/n flying close behind. 

Y/n landed next to him on the roof, and they both looked at the view in front of them. From the roof they could see almost the entire city, the lights from buildings lighting up the sky. Y/n smiled to themselves, they loved the nights like these. Spending time with Sero, their boyfriend, the fresh air, all of it. 

Sero sighed next to them. "Beautiful, isn't it?" He asked. "Yeah, it really is." Y/n responded, never looking away from the sight. "I mean, not as beautiful as you." Sero smirked. Y/n laughed and turned to him, nudging his shoulder gently. "Your so cheesy." They said, before Sero caught them in a hug. "I know, but you love it." He smiled, wrapping his arms around them. "Yeah yeah"

They stayed like that for another minute, before Sero pulled away. "Bet I can make it to the ground first-" he declared, swinging himself down into a nearby ally. "Oh, you're on!" Y/n yelled, flying down into the allyway. 

They both raced to the bottom, Y/n making it down just a few seconds before Sero. "I win!" Y/n said, a big grin on their face. Sero landed on the fire escape of the building next to them, leaning over the rail to look at them. "Yeah alright, but I won the other race." He said, smiling big. Y/n rolled their eyes, still smiling. "Whatever you say"

They then looked up at the sky again, before pulling out their phone to check the time. "It's almost 1 am, we should probably head back soon" Sero nodded in agreement, before using his tape to swing over the rail and land fight in front of Y/n, hanging upside down from the fire escape. 

Y/n looked up from their phone, only to be met face to face with the black eyes and shit-eating-grin of their lover. "Hola mi amor" he smiled. Y/n laughed lightly, grabbing his face and leaning in.

Sero returned the kiss gladly, both of their lips molding together perfectly. Y/n pulled apart, and smiled. "Now get down, we gotta get back before Aizawa notices." 

Sero laughed and dropped down, and the two began to make their way back to the class dorms.

"You think he's gonna kill us?"

"No doubt about it."

Ok- it was really cliche but I think it's kinda cute. Also- can you tell it's my first time writing a kiss like that?

But anyways, I hope you liked the chapter, and thanks for reading. I just recently decided to add imagines to this book. Tell me if you have any requests :)

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