Tokoyami - Nail Polish 🦋

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GN Reader


2nd Person POV

It was the evening after a long day of school, and the sun was beginning to set, a bright orange color painted across the sky. You sat in your dorm room, comfortably leaning against your boyfriends chest on the bed. He sat behind you, and you had positioned yourself between his legs with his arms out in front of you.

You held his hand and carefully spread a layer of the dark black nail polish against his nail. His other hand was resting on your thigh, as he peered down at you. You were very focused on the task, your tongue poking out slightly. 

He smiled, and rested his beak (???) on your shoulder. This caused you to look over at him from the side of your eye. You smiled back, before returning to his nails. 

"And that's one hand done!" You said, leaning back on his chest and admiring your work. "I like it." He said simply. You smiled again. "I'm glad." 

You then picked up his other hand, the other dropping down to your thigh as you began the process again. The sky was getting darker outside, and a comfortable silence hung in the air. When you finished painting his ring finger, you felt something pushing against the small of your back. (Yes I know how that sounds)

You leaned forward, looking back curiously, before the large shadow creature known as "Dark Shadow" popped out from behind you. "Oooh, can I see?!" They yelled excitedly, stretching over and looking at Tokoyami's freshly-painted nails. "Ooh so fancy!" They squeeled, and you chuckled at their excitement. "They're not dry yet, Dark Shadow, be careful." Tokoyami scolded.

"Alright alright fine- I'm just looking" Dark shadow replied defensively. They moved to the side a bit as you laid back on your boyfriends chest once again, resuming your project as you began painting Tokoyami's pinky finger. Dark Shadow would admire your work from the side, making little comments that made you laugh. 

This would always make Tokoyami smile, as he loved hearing your laugh. Dark Shadow kept talking about how you should paint their nails some day, and you would have to remind them that wasn't really a possibility. 

It wasn't until it was nearly fully dark outside that you finally finished his nails, and you twisted the cap back on the bottle of nail polish. "Finished!" You said proudly, leaning over and setting the small bottle on your night stand. Tokoyami held his hands out in front of him, admiring your work. "They're very nice."

"I know" you responded. "I love it! You should totally do pink next." Dark shadow said. Tokoyami shook his head. "I'd rather not."

"Aww but pink is such your color!" Dark shadow said, jumping around excitedly. You laughed at the creature in front of you. "Yeah, it'd totally suit you!" You said. Tokoyami groaned, and wrapped his arms around your waist. "Oh be careful- they're still wet."

He leaned his head on your shoulder. "It'll be fine" he said, closing his eyes. You smiled at him, before leaning your head against his. 

"Awww how cute"

Alright I hope y'all enjoyed that! I saw something a bit similar on tiktok, and I thought it would make a good one shot. Have a great day/night <3

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