The End of Us
Mentions of Sexual Assault---
"...Oh... And Nobu..."
"...I hate to say this but,... earlier you kinda reminded me of my...""...Sorry..."
"We're here."
"I'll text you later... Make sure not to get into trouble..."Low taps were heard in the dark and empty street. Walking under the light of a post, a purple haired boy walked as he had just dropped off his dear friend home. His face was unreadable, just the same old frown was placed on his face as he looked forwards.
In a few seconds, he once again stepped into the cover of the night. Halting, he released a breath... A shaky one...
And with full force, he swung his fist into the nearby wall, dropping his bag.
"Dammit!" He cursed as his breathing quickened.
His eyes pierced through the wall in front of him. His body filled with rage as he recalled the previous events.
Seeing (Y/n) with Iida. The scum underneath his feet. That parasite wormed his way in between (Y/n) and him. Did he honestly think he could stand a chance against him. He who has known (Y/n) for most of his life. He who helped him out of his abusive home. And to think, Iida wanted to take (Y/n) for himself.
Nobu grunted his teeth. In front of him he pictured as Iida held (Y/n)'s hand pulling him away from him. But he couldn't do anything. It was all out of his control.
Not only that, but (Y/n) compared him to his witch of a mother.
Straightening himself, he brought his fist up, watching as his knuckles turned red over his pale skin. Sighing, he ran his fingers through his hair. He dropped his hands and looked up to the dark sky.
Iida... Nobu glared as he tightened his fist. That little shit-
Ring~ Ring~
Nobu's train of thoughts were cut off as the sound of his phone rang in his pockets. An irritated sigh left his mouth as he quickly debated whether or not he should answer, shoving his hands into his pockets. He looked at the contact name and answered his phone with a harsh tone, knowing fully well who was behind it.
"Hello Nobu..." Shichiro's soft caring voice called out as it was slowly turned into a concerned one. "Is something wrong? Am I calling at a bad time?"
"That is none of your business." Nobu spat out, but quickly stopped himself. He didn't want to lash out his anger on Shichiro. "Whatever you need to say, make it quick. I don't want to talk to anyone right now."
"Right..." Nobu heard as Shichiro's voice got quiet as he hesitated to speak. It was almost like Nobu's words wounded the boy. "I was wondering when we were going to do that project for art class. I think we should start it tomorrow-"
"Shichiro." Nobu sighed, cutting him off. "Why would we start the project now? We still have the whole month for it."
Nobu rubbed the bridge of his nose as he frowned. If this was a way Shichiro was using to mess with him because of how he talked to him before, then now was not the time. He didn't have time for jokes. But then again, Shichiro wasn't the type to joke around, especially not to him.
"Well... I... If we do it now... Then we won't have problems with it later on." Shichiro's voice faded out as Nobu heard him mumbling quietly to himself on the other side.

(Iida x Male Reader) Squishy Koala
FanfictionIida falls in love with Koala Boy. ✨🐨✨ ... Most Art shown is not mine. ... 1-#Iidaxmalereader 1-#tenya