Chapter 17

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Sports Fuck-stival



A shout was heard by the students of UA currently walking outside the waiting room belonging to class 1-C. Which was shortly followed by a thump and a group of unharmonized student groans.

"I don't want to EXERCISE!"

The shout ended with a creepy koala-like growl as the student in question thumped the table he laid on.

"It's not going to be that bad."

Aina spoke flying through the air, purple wings flapping behind her. Her calm voice and closed eyes let them know she wasn't bothered by whatever they were to face.

"You're only calm because you are most likely to have an advantage over what obstacles we are going to face." Hifumi sighed as they watched Aina shrug at their statement. "And (Y/n)..."

The koala boy looked up from the table as Hifumi stared back at him. Hifumi sighed as they watched a river of tears flood down his face, almost like a cartoon expression.

"Don't koalas run super fast... At least you have that, meanwhile all I could do is turn people to stone." Hifumi whined before covering their face as a groan slipped from their lips.

Placing his face on the table, (Y/n) let out a long sigh as he heard from behind him the laugh of Aina.

"I don't care... This is the general course. Shouldn't the school at least give us a choice of wanting or not to join something that was made for the hero course."

Let's just say that class 1-C was not ready to be human steps for the hero course and the laughingstock of the world.

Besides the two having a pity party and Aina chilling through the air, Shinsou sat still, slowly breathing in and out. Aina's purple eyes focused on him from above as she spoke.

"You don't seem nervous, Oshi..."

This caught the attention of the other two as they sat up and placed their glance at Shinsou and Aina.

Slowly turned, Shinsou noticed that not only were his friends waiting for what he was to say, but everyone else in the room had gone silent. Maybe they were hoping that he would say something to lighten up the mood, but based on his personality that was not likely to happen.

Sighing, Shinsou opened his mouth...

"There's no point in that..." His eyes dropped onto his hands in front of him. "I can't afford to be nervous if I want to get into the hero course..."

The room quietly listened and to their surprise Shinsou's words were slowly easing them up.

"I have to give it everything I have. I can't back down now..." Shinsou tightened his hand as a determined frown was placed on his face. "I'll show the world that I'm not the villain they think I am. I won't be a mere weakling they can throw to the side."

Hearing his words encouraged the group as they turned back to their normal chatty selfs. Agreeing with Shinsou's words to each other, but keeping their voices low to hear the rest.

"Right..." A light brown haired girl proudly spoke as she grinned at Shinsou. "If they think they can step on us so easily, then they are wrong!"

The class cheered and laughed as they excitedly talked amongst each other. Hifumi, realizing that it was their gloomy mood that had the class down, smiled before standing up and speaking up.

As the class's president, it was their job to encourage the class in times like these. Not to crush whatever spark they had and blatantly telling everyone in this room they don't stand a chance.

(Iida x Male Reader) Squishy KoalaWhere stories live. Discover now