❤︎Eat or be Eaten: Panic in the Forest❤︎

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No ones POV

He went to attack the three and while Y/n jumped in and was doing hand to hand combat Sasuke was doing hand jutsu's.

Fire Style!

Phoenix flower jutsu!

He yelled and multiple fire balls tried to get him but he dodged. He and Sasuke jumped in mid air and there kunia clashed. Y/n followed and suddenly a paper bomb went off. Y/n ran faster to find Sasuke falling, Y/n hurried and quickly caught him and gently set him down.

"Sorry. This is one test you fail. Now hand over the scroll, or you die." The ninja said, putting the kunia up to Y/n's and Sasukes necks.

"Sasuke! Y/n!" Sakura shouted, the ninja got distracted and when he faced the two Sasuke chuckled. A kunia was about to hit the ninja but he quickly jumped up so it missed him.

"Oh no you don't!" Naruto yelled, landing next to the two. Sasukes sharingan appeared and he looked over.

He got a kunia on the bottom of his shoe and spun and it went flying to the ninja. He quickly dodged when Sasuke jumped up and elbowed him. He gasped and looked down but Sasuke put a kunia right through his chest.

"Are you alright?" Sakura yelled, and Sasuke looked at her.

"Don't just stand there, Sakura. Chances are, this guys not alone. Watch out! The others could strike any second now!" Sasuke yelled, and he pushed the ninja away.

"I wish. I came alone so as not to arouse suspicion. Big mistake." He said, jumping into the forest. Sasuke landed and glared.


The four where sitting down in a circle while Sasuke was talking.

"That proves that we can't just trust appearances. We have to come up with a way of knowing that each of us is who we say we are, and not some impostor using a transformation jutsu." Sasuke explained. The other two nodded as Y/n was laying on her back, kicking her feet in the air again.

"All right, so what do we do?" Sakura asked, looking at Y/n.

"We need a password." Sasuke explained and Naruto looked at him.

"What kind of password?" Naruto questioned.

"A secret one. Something known only to the four of us. And don't trust anyone who doesn't know it. No matter what. Ok, listen closely, because I only want to say this once. The question will be, when does a ninja strike? And the response is, a ninja waits until the time is right, when the enemy sleeps and drops his guard, when his weapons lie forgotten in the stillness of the night. That is the moment for a ninja to strike. Got it?" Sasuke explained but Sakura looked confused.

"I got it but Y/n can't speak. So how are we going to know it her?" Sakura asked looking at the girl. Sasuke looked at her and thought for a moment.

She couldn't speak but they could understand her.

"Y/n?" Sasuke asked, Y/n looked up at him, her eyes sparkling at him.

"Can you take off your muzzle?" He asked, her eyes slightly widened. She shook her head and looked at him.

"Okay, just right it in the dirt." Sasuke said, looking at Y/n.

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