❤︎Naruto's Counterattack: Never Give In❤︎

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"Y/n? You going to help me?" Naruto asked, Y/n nodded and Sakura looked at her shocked.

"No, Y/n! Your leg is injured!" Sakura shouted, Y/n shook her head.

"Ok, so what was the password again?" Naruto asked, smiling as Y/n appeared next to him.

"Forget it! I know it's you. You made it." Sakura harshly stated.

"Naruto! Got out of here! Take Y/n! What are you thinking? You don't know what you're up against. Hurry. Go now, while you still can!" Sasuke yelled.

"So Naruto, you managed to escape from my friend. Well done." She smiled.

"Ok, ok. I don't know what's going on here, but you've been picking on my friends, and I don't like that. So you'd better slither on back into your hole, Snake Lady, before me and Y/n make a pair of shoes out of you!" Naruto yelled and Y/n nodded.

"Mhm!" Y/n shouted.

"You can have it." Sasuke pulled out the scroll and Y/n's eyes went wide.

"The scroll right? That's what you want. All right then. Take it and leave us in peace." Sasuke yelled.

"Sasuke, are you crazy or what? We're going to just hand the scroll over to the enemy? No way! What's wrong with you?" Naruto yelled, pointing his finger.

"Shut up, and stay out of it!" Sasuke yelled.

"Very wise, very sensible. Sometimes the helpless prey, if they are to save their own skins, realize that their only hope is to distract the predator with something even more precious." She said, Sasuke threw it to her but Y/n ran and quickly grabbed it.

She jumped next to Sasuke, limping slightly from her healing leg.

"Stop playing the damn hero Y/n! Just stay out of this and leave it to me!" Sasuke yelled, Y/n kicked him and sent him flying back. He landed on the other tree branch.

"You stupid fool! You don't know what you doing! Y/n knock it off!" Sasuke shouted, Y/n became angry and looked away. Naruto jumped down next to her.

"I may not know the password, but I know who I am. You're the one I'm not so sure about. How do we
know you're who you say you are?" Naruto asked, standing next to Y/n.

"What do you mean? It's him. Don't be so stupid." Sakura yelled.

"What sort of none sense is this? It's me, you loser!" Sasuke shouted with rage.

"Liar. Liar! You may look just like him, you may sound just like him, but there's no way you're the Sasuke I know! I don't care how tough a fight you've been through, surrendering, giving up the scroll, when did Sasuke become a coward? You keep saying I don't understand whats going on, but I do. You chocked, that's what it is." Naruto shouted, Y/n nodded, agreeing.

"Sad, but true." The woman chuckled.

"It doesn't matter. As far as the scroll goes, I could simply kill you and take it." She said, rolling up her sleeve, biting her thumb and smearing it down her arm.

Naruto ran up to the woman about to strike her when she did hand signs.

"Summoning Jutsu!" She said, and wind blew him away, a snake appearing.

Naruto dodged it barely and it fell into the tree.

"What a tasty little meal. You'll make for him. Careful, he likes to play with his food." She said, the snake smashed the tree and broke in half and Naruto went flying.

"Naruto!" Sasuke and Sakura yelled, as Naruto yell down and hit the tree. He started falling and when his eyes opened they where a blood red with a black slit.

"Ya! Eat this!" He shouted, hitting the snake in the face. He started punching the snake but she blew some kind of dust and made him fall.

"Now then, let's see how well you do, Sasuke." She said, going towards him. Naruto stopped the snake and everyone's eyes went wide.

"Hey, kid. You're not hurt, are you? You scaredy cat!" He said, his blood red eyes. The woman grabbed him with his tongue and lifted him into the air.

The woman's fingers turned purple and she lifted his shirt to see the seal. She shoved her fingers where the seal went and he passed out.

She grabbed the seal Y/n have him earlier and thew him. Sakura threw a kunia at him and caught him by the clothes. The lady's snake was right in front of Sasuke and Y/n.

"Sasuke, what's wrong with you?" Sakura asked, Y/n was in front of him, growling at the woman.

Sasukes Sharingan appeared and he looked at Y/n.

"You ready?" Sasuke asked, and Y/n nodded. Her nails grew longer as her eyes had slits in them.

'So, shes new in this village. A demon they say she is. Hm, I think i'll play with them a little, and learn the full extent of there powers.' The woman smiled, as her snake disappeared. They stood side by side. Ready to strike.

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