Chapter 3: The Fisticuffs Hero (Part 3)

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Haha, bet you didn't expect me up here did ya? This is a little helpful note thing for myself so I can power scale Cadverus to the only other heroes we know the stats of: Naofumi and Itsuki. I didn't look up about these stats, so I assumed P Def and M Def is Physical and Magic defense.

Itsuki: Attack: 17, Magic: 13, P. Defense: 10, M. Defense: 14, Dexterity: 15

Naofumi: Attack: 1, Magic: 10, P. Defense: 32, M.Defense: 22, Dexterity: 9

You will see Cadverus' stats further below in the story. If I remember, I'll discuss my stat decisions in the notes at the end. Have fun reading and I'll see you there.


The ringing of church bells woke him in the early hours of the morning. Bread, cheese and a cup of fresh green juice. What fruit it had been wasn't clear, but it was nice enough, refreshing even. He spent a few seconds enjoying his breakfast, before wiping his hands on his jeans and realizing it was worthless, as his gauntlets were greasy, not his hands. A small purse was on his dresser, containing 50 silver. He shrugged and shoved it under his shirt. Even if this was a new world, criminals could still exist and would happily take his money.

He was guided by the same butler, the one who took him to his room, to the castles main entrance. He was practically kicked out of the castle, being 'peacefully' dragged past the entrance archway then told to get going before the 'real heroes' came out with their parties. He growled angrily, before wandering off down the bridge leading to the outside of the walled in city. Yes, without armor or any other equipment.

He had his gauntlets on, but Cadver decided to look at his stats first. He reached a hilltop He opened his menu and finally looked at how he was built. His Attack was ok, a nice 15 (Even though he didn't know what was good for a level 1 in this weird world) but his next score was dismal, a Magic score of 4. His two defense stats were moderate, P. Defense was also 15 while M. Defense was 12. However, his highest stat was his Dexterity at 28.

He closed his menu window with a swipe, now focusing on the plains in front of him. There were several floating red triangles moving around above the grass. The grass underneath parted, so the triangles must be showing where enemies were. He moved slowly to the closest one, getting his jeans soaked as he walked through the wet grassland. Before he could reach the triangle, the red shape began moving towards him swiftly. The grass parted and a orange sphere launched at him. Reflexively, or maybe something made him, Cadver punch the thing into the ground. It bounced backwards, landed on the ground and snarled at him.

It was a spherical monster, orange with stitched-together segments. It had an aggressive face, dark indents in the rough shape of angry eyes and a gaping mouth with spikes made from the same material lining its lips. It was made of what appeared to be rubber, so surely it wouldn't do that much damage. Its health bar and name appeared above it, a small portion already gone from its health. Its name was a Balloon, quite fitting Cadver admitted.

He was about to find out if it could injure him. It leapt at him, attaching itself to his upper arm where it bit down as hard as it could. He felt the Balloon biting him and he lost some HP but he seemed fine. He grabbed the Balloon with his other and and squeezed, inflicting a constant amount of damage to the orange nuisance He got it to one third of its original HP then chucked it at the ground. It bounced back, right into his waiting fist. It's last HP was gone and it popped. Cadver sighed and relaxed slightly. That wasn't so hard!

Then, three more attacked him from behind. The first thing he noticed was the three new Balloon health bars in his battle screen. Then he was knocked off of his feet from a hard round object in his back. He landed face first with the three Balloons ramming each other in an attempt to bite him. He reached behind himself and grabbed one of them, tossing it away. This lifted enough weight from his back so he could get up again. He then grabbed the other two Balloons and tossed one at the third, which was bouncing its way back over to attack.

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