Chapter 11: Separation and Union

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It wasn't long before all the heroes were called to the kings throne room for each of them to receive the payment promised to them for defeating the wave. When Cadverus arrived, Motoyasu, Ren, Itsuki and their various parties had already arrived. He took his designated spot on the far left of the room, where the bright sun shining through the window obscured his view of the kings face. This was important, as the kings face twisted in disgust as Naofumi and Raphtalia entered the room and stood on the far right of the room, where they waited for the 'ceremony' to start.

"Motoyasu, for fulfilling my request and heroically fighting in the wave, you shall receive 4000 silver. Ren and Itsuki also fought well in the wave, so they will each receive 3800 silver. Cadverus helped the knights protect a village and defeated the Chimera with help from the other heroes. He will receive 2000 silver. Finally, I have set aside 500 silver for the Shield Hero, but the cost of undoing the slave-seal on his party member has offset this, so he won't receive anything at this time."

This caused muttering a throughout the room. Ren and Itsuki both were about to say something, to argue with the king and make a political wedge between the heroes and the state, but Cadverus held out a hand to quiet them. Eventually, with a snarl, Naofumi left the room, with Raphtalia swiftly in tow.

Cadverus caught up with Raphtalia and walked with her after Naofumi. She looked up at him, confused at why Cadverus had stopped the other heroes complaining. She was about to say something, the closed her mouth and shook her head. When they had reached the familiar shop that Erhard spent so much time making the best weapon and armour store in the world, they entered right away, it was almost like a home coming.

Cadverus bought a brand new travel cloak and tossed his torn and practically destroyed one into a pile of scrap. Once he paid for it, he planted the money he had earned from the wave on the counter.
"Look after this, would you Erhard. Use it to give Naofumi a decent discount while I'm away. I can't be carrying large sums of money around when I'm travelling."

Erhard agreed, putting the bag of cash behind the counter and promising he wouldn't take more than his fair share of the money.

Naofumi was too caught up on thought to hear what Cadverus had done, but Raphtalia heard it clear as day. She had an enormous grin on her face, reminding him of the simpler times with the young Demi-human He smiled and patted her head, then giving Naofumi a curt nod, which Naofumi didn't return, he left the store, looked around for a brief moment at the city before wandering out of town, travel bag on his shoulder.

Surprisingly, just outside the gates, Ren was talking to his party, gesturing and speaking just loudly enough for them to hear him, but not Cadverus, who was just exiting the city, before he clapped his hands and the group dissolved, people going off with weapons in hand to farm mobs. Ren was about to leave himself, before he spotted Cadverus and came over to talk.

"Hey Cad, where are you going today?"

"I'm off to train somewhere. Whilst I was with Naofumi, I couldn't get many different gauntlets, so I want to find what materials will work for me."

"Ah, farming weapon types. I suggest heading to the nearby mountains. The caves there have some decently high level monsters, but their materials gave me several new swords for each one I farmed. I'm actually heading that way myself. Why don't you tag along, I'll be able to see how good you are in combat.

So together, the two heroes picked up a backpack of supplies from a nearby guard post, and began making their way to the distant mountains on foot.

Little did they know, they were being trailed by a hunter and her companion.


The sword sliced through the goblins throat, sending the head spinning into the tree line beyond. The two heroes had come across a group of goblins, led by a large imposing hobgoblin, trying to blockade the road. Ren was dealing with the majority, while Cadver was defending two travellers who were going to be eaten by the hobgoblin boss.

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