Chapter 4: The Fisticuffs Hero (Part 4)

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And I'm back. Just realized how boring the titles have been. I'll try to come up with some better ones, but I don't really have any ideas at the moment. Feel free to give suggestions, but for now I'll use the anime titles with slight changes every now and then.


Cadverus had to talk fast with the guards at the gate, stating that he was a member of the Sword Heroes party and had to get inside as soon as possible. He didn't mind lying, as long as it was for a goal he was aiming for. He rocketed his way through the palace, nearly knocking people over where-ever he went. He reached the grand audience hall door, just to have it opened for someone to exit.

The first thing he saw was Naofumi looking angrily at his clenched fist. He saw the other heroes gathered together past the Shield hero's back, looking disgusted. Motoyasu stood protectively in front of Naofumi's party member, who had a triumphant grin plastered across her pretty face. Naofumi turned back to the other heroes, now with both fists clenched. "This is what you wanted right?" He then tossed the contents of his fist on the floor. Several silver coins now lay scattered on the royal rug. "Shove it up your ass!" He then turned away from them and began striding away from the group.

"Hey! Wait one second-" Motoyasu had run up to Naofumi and grabbed his wrist. However, when they stood face to face the Spear hero visibly paused. Cadver couldn't see Naofumi's face, but it must have been something to cause speechlessness in the most brash of the Four Cardinal heroes.

"I'm the weak one remember? I don't have one second to waste." Naofumi savagely ripped his arm out of the heroes grasp and shoved his way past Cadver and out the door. With the Shield hero gone, most of the tension in the room drained out with him. Cadver noticed the red head starting to reach for the coins Naofumi had left, so he strode over and grabbed her wrist with one hand while he stooped to pick up the coins he could see.

In return he was spun round by Motoyasu who was swinging his spear threateningly. "What do you think your doing grabbing her! Are you just like that piece of scum who tried to rape her?" Cadver stared coldly back at Motoyasu.

"No I'm not a rapist, but you can't just take somebody else's money. I'll return it to him when I next see him." Cadver finally noticed the Spear heroes armour, which was the exact armour Naofumi had on. "Why do you have Naofumi's armour? Are you trying to take everything from him?"

Motoyasu released his hold on Cadver looking puffed up. "This isn't Naofumi's armour, this was a gift from Myne when I came across her in the inn she was attacked by that drunk brute!"

"Motoyasu you liar, that is definitely Naofumi's armour, down to the scratches and tears in it. More importantly, Naofumi didn't have any drinks that night, I was with him the entire time."

"ENOUGH!" Their argument was halted by the king shouting them both down. The king looked exhausted on his high throne. "The criminal has left. I don't need another hero picking a fight against one of our saviours. Head out after that scum and make sure he stays away from the castle. If you keep him out of trouble, Fisticuffs hero, then expect many rewards. Now go, I have other things to discuss with the true Cardinal Heroes."

He scowled at that but saluted anyway before nodding his head in acknowledging to Ren, ignored Itsuki, gave one final glare to Motoyasu and walked out of the building. He ignored everyone around him as he made his way to the entrance, deep in thought. He had an idea for what had happened, but only one person could confirm what had happened. That would be Naofumi himself.

He wandered down the various streets, getting vague rumours of Naofumi's location from people standing around and muttering about him. Apparently a store owner had taken him to one side to beat the crap out of him for raping a girl who joined his party. He headed for the guys establishment, using the vague glances of approval by all the nearby marketplace goers. He eventually found the place, an armour and weapons dealer.

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