Chapter 13: Filo

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The trip back to civilization wasn't particularly enjoyable. Lupina ignored him entirely, except for assisting him in mounting his filolial. Yuxin answered his small questions about how far they would go every day and what provisions they had for cooking. Speaking about cooking, Cadver was the designated cook after his two companions realised that he was better at either of them at it.

With the speed the filolials gave them, they reached the capitol only three days later. Lupina unhooked all of their equipment and laid it out on the ground, then shooed the birds, sending them running. Apparently Lupina had 'borrowed' them from the birds 'queen', Cadverus didn't understand what that meant at all.

Picking up what stuff they could and ditching the unnecessary supplies, then they headed into town, aiming straight for Erhards shop. When she heard that Cadver had left a butt tonne of money with the merchant, Lupina's eyes had practically become gold coins. She had been talking the whole last day of travel about picking up 'just a little bit of cash', which unfortunately was a good idea, as pointed out by Yuxin, since they needed money for travel expenses.

Upon entering the shop, the bell rang, and Erhard himself came out of the back. When he looked up to see the fisticuffs hero, he looked shocked.
"Sir hero? Are you alright? The sword hero arrived at the castle a few days ago saying you had gone missing. Who are these two behind you..."
He trailed off when seeing Yuxin. Apparently fox Demi-humans had a... reputation among the human men, if Erhards facial expression meant anything.

Before any assumptions were made, Cadverus stepped in with a reply:
"They are my party members. I left Ren to hunt some more and ran into them while tracking a monster I wanted to kill. By the way, how is the money I left with you."

In answer, Erhard brought out the giant bag of cash from behind the counter. It was lighter, but it was somewhat clear that Erhard had been (mostly) honest with the amount he took from the bag. Cadverus took the bag and stowed it in his rucksack, then, with barely a thankful nod, he left the store with his 'companions' and they began to walk to the outskirts of town.

"Hey!" He turned his head back when Lupina called out, his attention on the angry wolf Demi-human. "Why did you say we're your companions. I never agreed to this arrangement."

"Ok, let's say instead I told him you are my captor, forcing me to do things against my will. How do you think that would go?"
For several moments, they continued their walk through town. Apparently, Lupina was now considering his side of things. Maybe she would be nicer to him now... yeah, probably not.

While thinking this, as they passed a large wooden building with what appeared to be scrolls in the windows on display, he was tackled from behind with a familiar cry. Now with a great big grin, he turned and hugged his favourite raccoon, Raphtalia.

"Caddy! It's great to see you again! How was your expedition?" Once they broke up, Raphtalia immediately started firing these questions at him.

"Fine actually. Ren led me to the perfect spot. Got several new weapons and skills. I haven't checked my level yet, but I'm sure it's something impressive."

With a snicker, you were interrupted by Lupina trying her best not to laugh.
"Caddy?" She burst out laughing after repeating his nickname, leaning against the wall as she almost collapsed.

"Now come on Hunter, you don't have to mock him for everything and anything he does." Yuxin tried to diffuse the situation before it could get out of hand, but Raphtalia was already continuing her question barrage.

"So who are these two? They seem to be with you but I wouldn't imagine you working with that one willingly."
"Well Raph, I honestly don't have a choice. I kinda owe them for saving my sanity or something and so we partied up. They're cool, if a bit antagonising at times..."

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