Chapter 5: The Slave Girl (Part 1)

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Once Naofumi had seen the girl however, he was instantly called away by the slave trader to look at the werewolf again. However, it was clear that the price for that monstrosity was well above anything they had earned, even counting the money given to them by the king.

"Now, if you don't mind me asking, what slave are you in the market for?"
"Cheap, adaptable, one which wont kneel over and die the moment my back is turned nor so stubborn that I have to drag them everywhere." Naofumi was definitely after something specific, beyond what Cadver heard him say. He couldn't quite get a read in the shield hero, he seemed wonky, sometimes incredibly sad, other times so hateful it was painful to look at, other times so straightforward and calculating he

"You'll be wanting a Demi-human then. They aren't much suited to combat or manual labour but-"
Naofumi cut him off with a harsh retort: "If I need them for combat then I'll train them myself."
The slave trader laughed at that before standing next to Cadver. Cadverus, at that moment, was feeling a lot like a side character, left on the sidelines while the hero did the interesting stuff.

"An interesting answer if I've ever heard one. These are the cheapest ones I can offer, except for the dead ones of course. The one your friend is interested in is not long for this world. Her previous owner loved his torture and the climate here hasn't done anything good to her lungs."
He reached in with his cane, hooking it under her chin to raise her head. She looked up at them then, her eyes seeing through them.

"This mangy raccoon is as sick as a dog and hasn't got much time left on this world, I suggest something a little more-"
"This one will do. I can think of many ways she'll be useful."
Cadver could only look at the Demi-human, who's young face now twisted in horror and fear.


Cadver didn't fancy hanging around to see a young girl get cursed, so he exited the tent to get a little fresh air. He noticed one of the guys he had beat up earlier was trying to hide behind the corner at the end of the alleyway. One good middle finger raised at him sent the man scampering away.

Morning was on the horizon and the sun had just started it's assent, leaving splashes of red to coat the early skyline, obscured only by the stray cloud that would inevitably block the gorgeous sight. He was looking up at the sky, so he noticed when under his health bar another appeared. It was simply called Slave A. He shrugged and put his hood up, enjoying a little comfort from his warm grey cloak.

Naofumi eventually came out of the tent too, dragging the slave-girl along with him. He went straight by Cadver, so he shrugged, waved goodbye at the onlooking merchant, the followed the hero into town. They headed straight to Erhard's store, mainly to buy the girl some new clothes and a weapon.

The girl, who he now knew was called Raphtalia, eventually finished getting changed and exited from behind the changing curtain. She wore a simple tunic and leggings with velvet boots. She still had her collar around her neck and shackles on her wrist, though the chains had been removed from them.

Naofumi was leaning against one of the many weapon racks while Cadver had tried to strike up a conversation with Erhard, but he honestly didn't have much to talk about. Naofumi stopped leaning and put his shield arms hand on his hip.
"Took you long enough. Now..." Naofumi swept his arm up, revealing an orange Balloon. Cadver was just as astonished as the other two in the room, even though Raphtalia was more afraid than bewildered. How long had Naofumi had that thing gnawing on him? He hadn't been taking damage, so his defence must be overwhelming if his clothed skin was so strong that the monster did nothing.

"Kill it." Naofumi said coldly, holding the Balloon out to Raphtalia. She backed away, panic in her eyes. "Do it Raphtalia, now! That's an order" Naofumi held it out to her as he came closer step by step, almost yelling at her to attack it. Raphtalia suddenly collapsed crying out in pain. A mark on her chest was glowing purple and had purple energy being released from it. However, even though she was in extreme pain, she got up, took out her sword and charged at the Ballon with a yell. Rather than popping it in one go like they had hoped she could, the Balloon bit down on her sword tip, preventing it from being harmed. However, the purple mark had disappeared from her chest.

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