✧~ Christmas special!~✧

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˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗
Cause I just want you here tonight,
Holding on to me so tight!
˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗

Warning: low-key fluff!

Your POV:

Today is the 25th December, and for ordinary people it's Christmas.
For me instead it's a normal day.
My mother didn't let me celebrate christmas since I was 10, she told me that it's not necessary to celebrate it.

I could say that she's right, but at least do something together or something...

either way, since I don't celebrate it, i usually don't do nothing for Christmas. But this time, it's different.

1 month ago I met Hanako, Nene, Kou.
they're probably one of the best thing that could happen since I started school! they deserve lots of love!
Some days ago I bought some little gifts for them, and my plan today is to give it to them!

"Nene! can you come down for a moment?" I said while getting the little present I got her from the kitchen counter.

"sure!" she answered me from her room.

"Here I am? what's up?" she asked me, I looked at her with a slight smile.

"Here! merry christmas..."I gave her the present, she immediately showed a big smile.

"Oh my god! Thank you so much!" Nene hugged me.

"It's not the best thing I could find but I thought you might like it... also, I don't celebrate christmas. I didn't know how to do a present in the first place but.. seems like I succeeded." I explained, she looked at me with a little sad face.

"why don't you celebrate christmas Y/N?" Nene asked me, I explained her that my mother didn't let me because it wasn't necessary.

"I see, well! I got you a gift too!" I gasped, did she really buy something for me?

"what? oh, you didn't need to..." i didn't even finish my sentence that i got a little envelope in my hands.

"here! hope you like it, they say it gives good luck if you wear it." while she said that, I opened the present, it was a pretty neckless! it had a pink stone as decoration.

"this is so cute! thank you so much Nene." I hugged her again.

"now I'll open your present! I'm so curious!" she opened the gift and it was the orange jumper I got her, the first time I saw it i thought that she would look so cute in that!

"Y/N I love this so much! i always wanted a jumper with this color, thank you!!" she showed her biggest smile.
not gonna lie, her smile is literally everything!

"well, I need to give this to Kou and Hanako... hope I can find them somewhere." I told to nene.

"Kou told me he was at his house. Maybe you could check if he is?"

"oh! thanks Nene! see ya and thank you for the gift!"
I greeted her and left the house.

~ To Kou's house ~

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