✧~The clock keepers...II~✧

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˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗
Let's take a trip down a dark place, baby.
look for me now, I'm not that crazy..
˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗

Y/N= Y/N's possessed body (so I don't repeat it everytime bc then it sounds boring okay bye)

Third Person POV:

"Aooooiii... aren't you hiding something from me~" Y/N, already possessed, said. Aoi seemed to not complain at all, it's like she didn't care or didn't realise how weird the situation will look like to the others.

Y/N's spirit was watching from the distance, in fact, her soul was floating around and quietly looking at the scene.

But how could she have gotten possessed? she's dead after all, Hanako is a ghost and Y/N too, so how?

The only explanation was that Y/N, in her soul, has still some human pieces other then a pure dead soul.
That's precisely why Hanako didn't posses Nene, also, it didn't peek his interest.
He wished to see Y/N act like a true woman, or most likely, a "dominant" as how he refers to it.

"it isn't so bad being a ghost tho... wait..."
Y/N was floating around while Kou was worrying for Hanako seducing Aoi and Y/N being out of her body.

"Y/N-senpai! you okay??" Kou tilted his head up and shouted at the girl, she was floating around near the wooden roof. Even though she is a ghost, she couldn't really experience what floating would be like. She instantly found it like a fun thing to do.

Nene covered her face in embarrassment, seeing Y/N seducing her best friend surely wasn't a nice scene to watch.

"this is making me sad... why are you hiding something from me, hm~?"

"Y-Y/N-chan?!" Aoi muttered, Y/N's soul watched the scene and she couldn't tell what looked more "attractive". Her body seducing a girl or mentally convicing herself that Hanako would do such things...?

"QUICK KOU-KUN! DO SOMETHING!!" Nene shouted at him, but the blonde boy was busy watching Akane getting on his nerves.

"if you insist on staying quiet then..."

Y/N grabbed Aoi's chin and slowly leaned in. Y/N didn't think that herself could look good doing such things, and to think she doesn't have any self-confidence because of the bullying she suffered...

"... then maybe I'll just have to seal your lips instead."

Y/N looked confident, her eyes were locked on the purple hair girl's lips. Nene internally screamed so loud that even the teachers, who already went home, could hear her.

Y/N's soul turned bright red, so did Kou.

As the two girls were about to touch lips, Akane rushed to the scene and had a menacing aura. He took Y/N from the back of her uniform and dragged her outside. Leaving Y/N's soul there with Kou and Nene.

Aoi didn't seem bothered about all of this, instead seemed to know that, for Y/N, this was normal.
In sense that, she already may or may not know...

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