✧~Memories to preserve.~✧

573 11 29

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E se m'hai visto piangere,
Sappi che era un'illusione ottica.
(if you ever saw me crying,
know it was just an optical illusion.)
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!! The tea party events will be skipped !!

Third Person POV:

Y/N got to bed a lot early then even herself would expect, she suddenly felt sick during class so the teacher sent her off early.

wrapped like a raccoon in her sheets, she tried to fall asleep hoping the strong headache she had would go away.
She stared at the white ceiling, with a lifeless expression.

After some minutes, the headache slowly was going away. Y/N felt relief and tranquility, so she tried to close her eyes for a bit.
Sadly, her aunt was chatting and laughing with her friend on the phone, so Y/N couldn't really fall asleep with all that noise from downstairs.

"*sigh*... I wish I could have silence right now." she said in her mind.

Today was pretty tough, there was a test of astronomy, and even if she loves the subjects and knows more then the teacher, it still kept her a little nervous.

But luckily it went fine.
After that she went to lunch, and there...

heat raised in her cheeks, remembering how Hanako almost stole her first kiss.
'but he's a ghost! I can't just...'

'but even tho he's body temperature is cold... his hands felt so warm..'
Y/N buried her face in her pillow, trying to forget that scene for once and all.
She doesn't love him... she really doesn't.

She only has a platonic relationship with him, just like all the others.
She maybe founds him cute and beautiful sometimes, but in a friendly way of course.

'but are you so sure...?'

Y/N woke up a little early then her usual hour, she spent time watching her phone and preparing all her books and notebooks for school. She also ironed her uniform just to make it more comfortable.

She took a bath and styled her hair at her liking, put some rings on her hands and then ate her breakfast.

Her aunt was still sleeping, so she didn't hear Y/N leaving the house.
But Y/N is a big girl now, she can take care of herself.

She took her keys, checked if the stove in the kitchen were all off, and left the house.

Upon walking to the school gates, there already a few students looking at their phone or others laughing with their friends.
Y/N walked passed them and just focused on entering the school, the students looked at her in a annoyed way.

'the rules technically say that if you arrive at school early you need to wait outside...'

'nah.. screw that thing, I've violated so many school rules and nobody told nothing. It's pretty cold out here too.' Y/N said in her mind.

𝑇𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟. 𝗛𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗸𝗼 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now