The day, when I met my husband

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Oh hey! I'm Bianca princess of Leviatna. My dad is the count of Leviatna, wich is like, huge, so everybody calls me a princess.
This morning my personal servant Cornelia came in and put a letter-like paper on my desk.
-What's that?- I asked.
-Oh, nothing. Christopher, the prince of Eletnia is coming to visit us today.
-Who?- I asked, while eating a slice of bread, reading through the letter.
-Your future husband, don't you remember?
-My what?!- I almost choked on a piece of bread.- I'm NOT getting married! No, thank you!
-But princess, you already got a letter about this a couple of months ago! And you signed it! - Cornelia looked at me with confusion. -There is no use resisting now.
-But... - I couldn't say anything. I didn't even remember signing the papers, even less that what was inside it.
Cornelia started to brush my curly hair, and it was pretty painful.
We did this 'routine' every morning. She brushed my hair, I tried to escape. She held me stronger, I pulled my head away.
- Princess, could you not moove?- Cornelia cried at the end. I finally stayed still until she finished.
Cornelia is 21, and I'm 15. We have a really special relationship, since I an the only one in this castle, who knows, that she was born male. She told me, how her parents hate her, and she's totally afraid of  my parents finding it out. Hearing all the stories, I'm pretty proud of her. I'm doing my best to keep her job.
- He's cute, right?- she asked.
- What? Oh, yes. He doesn't look so bad. But he can still be a jerk! -I pointed out.
- Yes, but look at him!- she gave me the the little painting of him. He had blond hair, freckles and ocean blue eyes. Even thought it was a really small painting, the artist went into the the details.
- Okay, he's handsome.- I threw the paper on the desk.

20 minutes later in my beautiful ballroom dress I walked down on our golden stairs. It was time for breakfast! The only time, when my parents have time for me.
In the whole there were some strangers, who I have never seen in my life. Trumpets played, and my mother waved for me, to come there. I 'ran' (running is forbidden) there, and stood between my parents.
Christopher, the King, and the Queen walk in the door.
- What the... - slipped out of my mouth.
- Bianca!- my mother looked at me with disbelief.
- Sorry mother. - I lowered  my head. When I looked up, my eyes met Christopher's. I quickly looked away, as it was appropriate.
The spokesman told a 'wonderful' speech, and I realized, that our meal is doomed. The only 12 minutes that we can talk with my parents just got into sitting nicely, eating nicely, smiling nicely and and and acting like an expensive jewellery. I hate to be a property. A gift. A toy.
Me and Christopher had to sit side by side. On my left, there were my dad, next to him my mother. Christopher's family exactly the same.
The meal was horrible. Who likes sea food? Plus, Chris apeals to be a classic jerk. He didn't even pass me the salad, when I asked for it.
After breakfast we had to go to a horseride. Only the two of us. Greeeeat.
Christopher got his own horse and I got mine. During the trip, he didn't say a single word! And it was a 2-hour trip! At the beginning I was trying to make a conversation, but his only responses were 'uhum' and 'yeah'.
We had picnic as lunch which was actually nice. A couple of sandwiches, raspberry juice and apple pie. Yum! Heading home, he only said:
- Two weeks.
I guess he meant 'till our wedding' which perfectly ruined my mood. Again. I don't know how he does this, but he makes me disappointed by every word that he speaks.
Until dinner, we went inside my library, and he immediately got amazed. One good point: he loves reading. We grab a couple of books, and went outside in our beautiful yard. It has a small forrest, with the highest tree in about 4 kilometers. Also, a lake and a rosegarden. I love every part of it! We sat on a bench, and read all evening. The first time, when his silence felt friendly. At about 6, Cornelia came out, to invite us for lunch.

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