Chapter 11:Dreams or nightmares

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Cullo didn't know what was worse. Having Adaria invite everyone from her school to her birthday, or having her birthday at an old torn down playground. The entire week, Cullo had been trying to convince her grandmother to cancel the party, but did she change her mind? No. "Grandma, why don't we have a little family birthday? Just us." "Cullo, I've already sent the invites and besides, I never got a big birthday party when I was a kid." "Lucky you." I mumble as she walks out of the room.

I leave to my room and realize that my phone is ringing in my pocket. Answering it, I hear a familiar voice. "Hi Cullo! How is it in Scotland?" Realizing that it is my best friend Hazel I totally freak out because we haven't talked in months. " Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Hazel! I've missed you so much!" Hazel immediately responds. "Happy birthday Cullo! Oh I've missed you so much! We're not the same without you! Have you met any new friends?" "Well it's a small community here, but I've met two girls named Beitires and Blair." "Oh my gosh I can't wait to meet them!" "Wait what?" Didn't your grandmother tell you? I coming for your birthday!" Hazel replies unsure. "I guess it was supposed to be a surprise." I say shrugging. "It's still awesome." "Ya." She says slightly embarrassed. I look around my room and realize that I haven't cleaned it since I got here. Hazel is quick to restart the conversation, and I pick up my room as I clutch my phone between my ear and shoulder.

"So, why is your party at a playground older than the dinosaurs?" Hazel jokes. " "Well," I answer sarcastically, " I wanted the sewers, but Adaria really has her mind set on this one!" For the rest of the evening we talk about our lives now that we are apart. The conversation cheers we up, but I find myself feeling depressed and lonely however mostly missing my old home. I slip into bed and my eyes feel like they're being weighed down by bricks.

I wake up at 3:00 to more nightmares, but this time they are different. I find myself in the circle, and life is once more coming from me, however this time, it is worse. Excruciating pain leaks from my soul until I collapse to the ground. At once, a dark spirit emerges from me and calls himself something, though I don't catch his name. He takes a dagger and stabs it through my heart, releasing more spirits. Then my dream is over.

With my heart pounding, I rub my forehead and force myself to lay in bed. Hours later, I slide out from under my covers and move to the window. Cold morning air blows at my exhausted face, refreshing me. I see Adaria working down in the garden from above. "Adaria! When's breakfast going to be ready?" "Come down when you're dressed and I'll serve you up something." I dress and walk down to the kitchen. I see a worried look on Adaria's face, but as always, she quickly hides it and turns it into her cheery smile. "Morning Adaria!" I say, still tired from last night's dream. "How did you sleep honey?" She asks me cheerfully. "Not well." And I take a seat at the table. "I had a few nightmares about the stones, but just small or stuff." Her eyes quickly darted over to me, where I was shivering in thought of my nightmare. "Honey, promise me you will never go to the stones again." Adaria appearing to be very panicked. "But Adaria, they can't harm anyone." "No!" She shouted, and our eyes locked. "No, oh honey I'm sorry, but those stones can be very dangerous, and I don't want you to get hurt."
"Don't worry," I said calmly. "I'll be careful."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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