Chapter 9: Break Or Storm?

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Noooo! Not again!!! Not any more school!!! "Nooooooo!!!!!!" "No need to panic sweet pea." said Adaria calmly. "You don't have school again for a while." "What? It's Tuesday." "Cancelled cause' of the weather" What does she mean cancelled by the weather? Yesterday it was paradise. I peek out my window to see a huge thunderstorm with terrible winds flying houses into the air. "Wait what? How?" "Weather changes pretty quick here. Now get up. We got some repairs to do." Looking at the rest of the town, I realize that our old house might need some help.

I get ready and head downstairs. The doorbell rings and I see Beitires and Blair standing frozen outside. "Woah! Come in before you get blown away!" i say anxiously. They step inside, take off their coats, and smile at me. "How did you even know where I live?" I ask. "It's not hard! We knew you took the Werry Free Bus (Werry) which only travels through this neighborhood. Then we had to check all the houses here, but you were the first one so it was easy." Wow. We spend the morning together while  Aunt Adaria brings us hot coco, cookies and more. 

At last Blair and Beitires go, so I watch YouTube video's. Out power turns out so we light candles. I try to read The Hobbit, but the candles don't provide enough light so I take a nap. The flashing lights and the thunder keeps me awake so I lay on the couch bored out of my mind. Sure, Blair and Betires are okay, but I miss my old friends. To add on to that, I miss my parents, my old life, my old school, my old house, and my old lady. JK :P Basically, I miss what I used to have.

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