Chapter 6: The Lake

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We climb aboard and set up our poles. "What's your favorite bait to use?" I ask. "Classic ol' worms! What else!" We hook our bait and cast the lines into the water. I've never fished before so I try to watch what my aunt does. "I have a question." "Mhmm" "What's your name?" "Adaria" "That's a pretty name." "Thanks" I feel awkward as I try to start a conversation but I decide to just try to catch a fish. Then something snags. "I think I caught one!" "Not yet you haven't! Reel it in!" I had caught a huge bass. "Ya! Great job darlin'!" Adaria said with a grin. Just then, the boat began to shake violently. Adaria's eyes opened wide and started to row as fast as she could muster. "Help me will you!" She screamed. I grabbed an oar and started to row as well. We heard muffled shrieks and glowing objects moving beneath us. "What are they!" I yelled. "Just keep rowing!" I panicked and almost passed out. Whatever there were down there, there was definitely a lot of them. We crashed onto the deck and scrambled out. A green scaled face appeared out of the water. It spoke in a language unlike those on Earth and finaly dove under the waves with a final shriek and bare of her fangs. "What was that thing!" I demanded. "It could have chewed us to pieces! What are you not telling me!" "Shut you mouth!" My aunt screamed at me. I was very surprised and she could see it on my face. "Look, I'm sorry dear. That just was not supposed to happen." "What?" I said. "I assume you've seen the power of the stones?" "How would you know that?" "Everyone's drawn to them eventually dear." "What you just saw was a pack of Merriths. They're flesh-eating creatures summoned by the stone." "Don't go near the stone. It is capable of beauty, but also great evil. Be careful." "Why didn't you tell me about these things?" You were supposed to find out on your own accord." "So now what?" "Lets cook your fish and chat awile."

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