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"hmm...why? are you jealous kai?"

"Get your head out of that bucket to appreciate how hot I look" The blonde girl complained over my gags

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"Get your head out of that bucket to appreciate how hot I look" The blonde girl complained over my gags. I'd managed to drag myself to the shower before returning to the same spot on the cold wood floor. The spot that my hungover form had dwelled in for most of the day. My head permanently in the dreaded bucket of mortification, hurling up bits of yesterdays food. Not only did Hazel see me in this disgustingly sorry state but Saya and Maria witnessed everything. Heard everything.

Well fuck.

"Hmmm I'm sure you don't need my affirmation on how hot you look... besides Saya and Maria will tell you" I spoke, my voice echoing throughout the dreaded bucket. My pale body was almost bare, the damp cream towel from my past shower loosely thrown over me , leaving little to the imagination. If my pounding head wasn't stuck in this bucket, I'd care that they were all able to see the extent of scars on my back. The girls had seen some of them because I didn't exactly hide them with what I wore. I'm not ashamed of scars but they didn't need to know the extent. It only causes questions because scars often hold an entire world of story, maybe they would think that I got them in pursuit of something I wanted and it left a mark. Maybe I did... maybe all those scars allowed me to be here now. But the questions that follow after some people witness them, are something to avoid.
The many white marks and dents were continuous, long and jagged, some broken, some crossing each other to form many Xs. Like the lines on the palm of a hand, lines unique to me.

Defining me.

Scars on top of scars, marked by ropes of fire.

My raven hair had dried into its natural waves, the only evidence of the shower were the small droplets on my shoulders, that were yet to seep into the scarred skin.

"You do look hot" Maria spoke, I could hear the happiness in her voice. Yet her bright smile didn't ease the awkwardness in the room. Tension caused by Hazel, she still didn't like consorting with these girls. Luckily for them, I was able to break tension by throwing up tumultuously into the bucket, making each of them make a sound of disgust. Least they can agree on something, that being how they felt about my puke.
The blonde scoffed and I could hear the revulsion in her voice, "trust you to use big words when your hungover and in the middle of throwing up" my eyes rolled as Hazel not so suitably ignored Maria's comment.
I jumped feeling someone's calloused fingers running through my knotted hair to attempt to bring it into a makeshift ponytail.
"Better?" Saya spoke from behind me. My head nodding weakly in response.
"Some of us aren't a dumbass Hazel and are articulate no matter the situation— and the word 'affirmation' is average" I forced out the words, my eyes stinging from the acidity of my puke.

"You just like sounding like a smartass" Saya tugged my hair to bring my face out of the bucket. Grunting from the force of the pull, I let a few profanities slip before I slapped her hand away. Saya made a sound of disgust before she snagged the bucket from my weak hands. Her face screwing up as she took the bucket out of the room.
"I need that"
"You'll be fine" Saya spoke from the hallway as she looked around, beginning to mess with the door across the hall.
Hazel was the first to ask, as we all stared the the Kuroki girl, our faces Mirroring each other's, "What are you doing?"

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