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"enjoy your fresh meat losers"

By the time lunch rolled around, we had gotten back from an overly stressful trip to the garage

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By the time lunch rolled around, we had gotten back from an overly stressful trip to the garage. Who would have thought that a trip there, would have been a massive pain in my ass?
I should have expected it cause arguments came soon after we left, Killian throwing Marcus' name here and there, saying shit I didn't really care about. I said nothing, just laughed to rile him up more. In the end, we both ended up pissed off but I didn't show it as much as he did, I've always been better at concealing my feelings. Although I did show my annoyance when I had to pay $50 more for my repairs. Complete and utter bullshit.
But I shouldn't be complaining about stupid first world problems, not with my past, not with the things going on in my head.
The main thing is I had my baby back and no one is going to hurt her again. As I no one I mean me... I crashed it the last time.

"Anybody know what they're doing for Legacy ball yet?" Hazel perked up as I continued to flip through a copy of Interview with a vampire, the book fully covering my face as I read. It started off as me pretending to read so I wouldn't be bothered by my gang but then I actually got interested in the book.
I made a mental note to thank Petra, she was the one that leant it to me. We aren't exactly friends, so I was quite surprised when she handed it over.

I was sat on a table, my feet resting on a chair as I picked at Hazel's chicken that she didn't fully finish. The cafeteria food was never good so it wasn't surprising when it was left unfinished.
"Probably having a girls night with Maria and Saya, you should join us," I spoke up since no one else was answering. I looked over the book at her, I laughed silently as she scoffed from beside me on the chair. She doesn't really like mixing with other gangs except the for preps. Most of them are basically harmless except for the fair few.
"I thought you might go with Kil" she smirked, knowing full well of the arguments and the kiss beforehand. I'm definitely not sharing any more shit with her. I sneered as Killian instantly look up from his food at the mention of his name. I rolled my eyes, placing the book in my lap, giving her my full attention. "And I thought you'd go with Klaus" I smiled cockily watching her narrow her eyes at me. And that's why you don't tell me shit. I heard all about how she turned him down for the dance just as we got back.
"Are you bitching about me Kaiya?" Klaus came up from behind me a tray in one hand and his book bag in the other.
"Always Klaus, always" I shook my head going back to the book. Ignoring the three horsemen that sat with me at the table.
They struck up a conversation without me anyway.
A flash of green caught my attention from the corner of my eye, making me turn my head to see Billy stepping over a table to be across from Marcus. If I really listened I could probably hear what they were saying since their table was in close proximity, but I was too interested in the book, to put it down.

"Kai, he asked you a question" Hazel snatched the book out of my hands, instantly making me whine like a child. Killian and Klaus chuckled at this action. I narrowed my eyes, picking up a couple of pieces of chicken and chucked it at their heads. "It better be a damn good question"

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