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"I eat trash and I sleep in piss. Everything according to plan"

"Don't look like no psychopath to me" Willie said, shoving Marcus into a chair

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"Don't look like no psychopath to me" Willie said, shoving Marcus into a chair. I scrunched my nose up at the stench lingering in the air. Is it the boy or is it just the meat hanging in the room? Gagging I put my bow and arrows in the corner of the meat locker behind Willie and Saya before taking my original position between Saya and Maria.

"Can't judge a book by its cover" Saya spoke softly from beside me, looking really intimidating at this moment in time.
"But you can judge one by its smell"
I snorted, Billy really knows how to crack me up. Too bad he's a rat so people don't see how cool he really is. Our world is seriously fucked with social standards.

I noticed Maria already eyeing the boy up. "You haven't even seen his face and he's already your next meal" I whispered, grinning from ear to ear as I spoke into her hair so none of the others could hear.
"A girl needs her snacks, and he may just be my next one" Maria laughed lightly, her accent thick on her tongue as she nudged me slightly causing my jacket to fall off one shoulder. "You've seen his face, tell me is he cute?" She wiggles her eyebrows while grabbing my hands so I would face her. She looked like a little girl, with her wild blue eyes that uniquely stood out. Her face was rid of her sugar skull makeup revealing her beautiful tanned skin and her dark red lips.
"You'll find out" I chuckled, squeezing her hands before letting go to pat her on the shoulder.

Due to my jacket being unzipped it showed my white ribbed tank and my belt that held all my throwing knives. My top was low cut so you could see the scars that littered my chest and back. The ones on my back being much worst then the ones on my chest. I felt Saya eye up the tattoo at the top of my spine. It matched one of hers, a snake around a rose. We both got it to represent temptation and beauty through the charms of a trickster. Let's just say we've both had to deal with our fair share of temptations and people who want to control us. So we got something for ourselves.

Willie pulled the bag off his head, dropping it to the floor. We all stood still as Marcus gulped in the air, rolling his head around before glaring at each of us.
"He's cute," Maria said, biting her perfect red lips as she took in his sweaty features.
"Yeah, total 'hobo fancy' cover boy material" Billy shrugged from beside her, mimicking a girly voice.
"What you say, mad dog? You the psycho that did the boys' home massacre?" Willie questioned acting all tough sporting his usual toothpick. He was probably trying to scare the poor boy.
Unlike a lot of the kids at kings, I knew his act was a facade for his big soft teddy bear side.
"Pretty tough barking at a dude tied to a chair"
Marcus said smugly, slightly showing Willie up. He's got fire, I like that.
"Untie this punk-ass bitch" Willie sneered.
"Oohh teddy bears angry," I say sarcastically, "you can poke his eyes out with that toothpick later big guy" I smirked, pulling out a knife from my belt to cut Marcus's binds.
"My money's on Hepatitis Harry" Billy joked bring a small smile on my face as I flipped the knife around my fingers skilfully. My eyes looked to Marcus as he watched the knife for a split second before meeting my gaze. He wasn't scared, well at least he didn't show it.

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