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Darcy said it would be great. Darcy said I'll have fun. Darcy said there'd be cheesecake...

Beside me, the little girl's bottom lip tugs down as her eyes begin to water. She's on the verge of crying. I knew immediately we should do our best to prevent that from happening.

"Come on dude, let the kitty go." Marcus moans softly from the further corner of the room, patiently waiting for the moment he could make his way closer.

"Just one bite." A faint whisper escapes him. "Just one teeny-tiny..." His words fade as his lips part, and his mouth slowly widening- Surely that's not one teeny-tiny bite. Weak and panicky meows come from the cat who struggles to get out from his firm grip.

"You've lost your marbles!" Darcy exclaims, walking into the room, her eyes wide with worry. After a moment she folds her arms sternly. A thing she did when trying to remain calm, or trying to control the situation. But how could anyone be calm right now?

"Put Lychee down right now." Darcy's voice is sharp and strict; almost as strict as our mother's voice was once upon a time...

The dark-haired man scowled. "He's nothing but a burden anyway." He faces back to the cat, which violently hisses at him. "At least this way you'll be doing us a favour, little Lychee."

A faint whimper reaches my ears- Oh no. I quickly clasp her tiny hand. "Don't worry sweetie. We won't let him eat your poor cat." I try to comfort her. She sniffles and nods, letting go of my hand and wipes her watery eyes. I look at Marcus with slight panic.

"Yellow..." Darcy says slowly. Yes, that is this demented man's name, but we didn't have time to ponder how ridiculous it sounds. We needed to get that damned cat out of his hands. "Think about this for a second." She walks towards him, cautiously. "Luna will cry if you do this, and when she does those monsters out there, they will hear her then they'll eat all of us..." Darcy tries desperately to dissuade him, although it honestly doesn't seem to be working.

"Take her to the other room, seal her mouth-hole with tape if you have to." He retorts stubbornly. "Face it! There is no more food left, we'll die if we don't accept this sacrifice." Sacrifice? A sly smile forms on his face, bringing the cat closer to his lips. He opens wide, his dark eyes enveloped in thick strokes of my sister's eyeliner, squints close- He's a mad man!

He's going to do it, he showed no hesitation nor any disgust at the fact that the cat is still alive!

I screw my eyes shut, waiting for Lychee's last meow, his final hiss. Instead, I hear the sharp shattering of glass, indistinctive muffles and restless movement, I furrow confused. Curiously I peel my eyes open, instantly seeing the cat race for its life and Marcus on top of Yellow, pinning him to the ground. "Lychee!" Luna shrieks with happiness drawing the cat closer towards her.

I feel as adrenaline flows through me, and as goosebumps rise, spreading across my cold skin. My eyes begin to burn as the all-to-familiar fluid forms, blurring my vision. Call me dramatic but this is it- I'm going to die in an isolated cabin, in the woods! Prayers rush through my mind as Marcus struggles to calm Yellow down. He's going to be the death of all of us, and worst yet I seriously doubt that he would mind.

"Okay!" Yellow throws in the towel, and extreme relief washes over me. "He smells like liquorice anyway..." He grunts in exhaustion. A sigh escapes both Darcy and Marcus. Marcus then crawls his way up and makes his way to Luna, who hugs him in gratitude.

I turn my head and stare back towards Yellow, trying not to make it obvious that he completely creeps me out. In a matter of seconds, he's on his feet, stomping his way to the nearest window. Once he gets there, he stares. Simply stares...

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