Chapter Nine

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I woke up in the morning to the smell of heavy Cinnamon and Sugar. I stirred to notice Kacchan had already gotten up, and from the looks of it even showered and started cooking something. I could even hear the washing machine running. I smiled, his progress has been amazing but I honestly didn't expect less from him. No matter what he went through he's pulling through better than anyone I could ever imagine. I'd say he would be doing better than even All Might himself in the same situation.

I rolled out of the bed and followed the amazing smell emanating from the kitchen. I stood in the door way and yawned watching as Kacchan cracked a few eggs into a bowl of flour. I hummed a moment taking in the smell of his amazing cooking. He seemed to be making... a lot of food. Every burner was full and the oven was even pre heating.

"What are you making? A feast for the city?" I asked with a small laugh.

He looked kind of comical, surrounded by different things he had made, and was in the process of making. A small bit of flour had caked itself onto his cheek, and he looked overly determined.

"I... I invited Kirishima and the rest of em over for the day. That's okay right? I'm making their favorites... I just felt like it would lighten the mood. I don't want them to come over like they have to walk on eggshells."

My eyes widened, Kacchan had actually invited his friends over, I tried to hide how excited I was about it. "Who all is coming then?"

"Shitty hair, Dunce fac..." he stopped and rolled his eyes, "Kirishima, Denki, Sero, Mina, and Jirou."

I smiled, "I think I remember your nicknames for them." I laughed.

"Yeah well, it's been a while." He cleared his throat before he started pouring batter into a small pan, "You should invite that halfnhalf bastard and Pink Cheeks and the other one. Stick up his ass, Iida." He smirked.

"You sure you're good with so many people at once?" I asked honestly, that would be a good bit of people.

He hadn't really socialized much since he had been here, I knew he had been texting Kirishima on the cell phone I got him, but other than that nothing in person. And Kacchans never been one for phone calls.

"I'll be fine. They are all heroes. Can't get to that status being a monster."

I nodded, "I'll get ahold of Uraraka and she'll get Todoroki and Iida I'm sure. As long as they are off today, I know she is."

"You talk to her a lot." I sensed a slight bit of jealously lingering in his voice.

I could confirm that jealousy from his facial expression.

"All 3 of them, I manage to message at least once a day. We're all still pretty close."

"Oh. Uhm Deku..."

Kacchan stopped everything he was doing for a moment and looked up at me with a serious look on his face. It was a little frightening at first.

"Yeah?" I said trying not to sound nervous.

"What... what are we?" He asked.

The question hit me harder than I thought it would. I honestly hadn't even thought about it. Here I am kissing him, taking care of him, loving him with every ounce I have in me... and I never even thought once to ask him if he wanted to officially be mine... and he just asked me last night to have sex with him for his Birthday... Which I am still trying to wrap my head around. If anyone is a Dunce Face it's me.

"Katsuki Bakugo." I said with an equally serious tone.

I walked around the island of the kitchen, and grabbed his hands in mine staring into his crimson eyes. He looked a bit taken back, but I smiled as his cheeks started to blush a light pink in color. I wiped the flour from his cheek before speaking.

"I want nothing more than to call you mine." I started, he looked down and I caught his chin with one of my hands pulling his gaze back up so he couldn't look away from me, "Katsuki Bakugo..." I loved how much darker his cheeks burned when I used his real name, his full name even, "I love you. I have loved you, and I will continue to love you. Can I call you mine? Will you be my boyfriend? Officially?" I asked, my heart felt like it was twisting and turning in my chest.

He looked like he would explode, his face was a dark shade of red now. "If.. if it'll make you stop being so sappy!" He burst before leaning up and crashing his lips against mine.

The kiss didn't last long, but it made my heart flutter a moment. "Just wait until I propose." I smirked, "I bet you literally explode."

I wish I had a camera for how red his face was now, I had never seen him look so flustered "M-marriage?! What?! Has all the All Might Specials gone straight to your head?!" His face was as red as it could possibly be now I was sure of it, "Go shower so I can finish this, before you make my chest explode!"

I smiled, kissing his lips in a small peck before heading down the hall, I heard him mutter it under his breath, "Damn nerd..."

I smiled like an idiot the rest of the way down the hall. Sure enough my Kacchan was coming back piece by piece, and I will help piece him together every step of the way. Maybe I am a little sappy.


I smiled to myself like an idiot for a little bit after he left the kitchen. I used to hate how he made my chest feel... but I know it was only because I was afraid of him rejecting me. I wanted to be number one. Some dreams don't come true and it's not the fault of anyone but that Blue Flames bastard... but I'm glad in the end I ended up here.

I'm glad Deku never went to America like he had planned on in high school. I don't know where I would be if he had... And I wonder if he stayed because they never found me or if his plans had just changed over the years. I hated that he held on to me for so long... I hated how lonely I felt when I was still captive. All I had to hold onto were memories, it was honestly the only thing that kept me somewhat sane. I wonder if Deku felt the same loneliness, holding onto memories of the past.

The thought of hearing him muttering about his fanboy hero shit kept me going most days. Sometimes I would sit and think about what he said when he was muttering. He was always super observant and smart. If he hadn't inherited All Mights Quirk I'm sure he still would be doing something great. Something to help others most definitely, he had a passion for it for sure.

I hadn't asked about All Might since coming back. He hadn't mentioned him other than in specials we had watched that had come on TV, but given his health before I disappeared... I'm afraid to ask and be told he passed away. I wanted to postpone that heart ache for me and for Deku if I could as long as possible. Even if he is alive and well, I'd rather not chance the bad news.

A knock on the door snapped me out of my train of thought. Anxiety pooled in my stomach... my guests shouldn't be here yet... who would he here this early in the day? On a Sunday?

I looked through the peep hole in the door and dropped the bowl of batter I had been mixing. I felt frozen... I couldn't move.

My Dad... My dad was on the other side of the door and I couldn't manage to move to even open the door. What am I scared of? I know exactly what I'm scared of...

I'm smaller, while I've built some of my muscle back up, it was nothing compared to the last time I had spoken to him or my mom. And why is it just him? Where's mom? He looks so nervous. I missed him so much. Move Damnit.

"Kacchan?" I heard Dekus voice behind me and it finally grounded me enough to focus.

"My... my dad..." I managed pointing at the door.

Deku grabbed a towel and wiped up the batter from the floor and picked the bowl up.

"You okay? Do you want me to let him in? Or should I tell him to come back?"

He had traveled here from America himself. He traveled to come see me. I owe it to him to brave this, even if it hurts a little. He deserves to know his Only Son is alive, and doing as well as he can...

I stepped back a moment so I was further from the door, and I swallowed hard before taking a deep breath, "Go ahead. Open it."

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