Chapter Seven

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💚Deku's POV💚

A few days had passed and Kacchan had settled nicely in my home. He started waking up without nightmares and making breakfast for us, and in the evening he insisted on making dinner and not ordering take out. I thought it was too soon but Kacchan also insisted on exercising now. He couldn't do much that involved his legs but he was forcing himself to do sit ups and a few other small exercises for his core.

I purchased some weights for him so he could exercise his arms and he was overly grateful... the idea of possibly still being able to become a hero had motivated him to no end.

"You have an appointment today about your knees." I said as I watched him clear the table. He wouldn't let me do the dishes either.

Kacchan kind of froze a moment before continuing what he was doing.


"I figured I'd take you after you finish up. You okay with that?"

"Yeah, should be fine." He wouldn't admit it but I could hear the nervousness lingering behind his voice.

It would be the first time he's left the house since he left the hospital... and the last time he was there he was completely out of it still.

After he finished cleaning up the kitchen and got dressed we both got in my car to head to the hospital. His leg was shaking and he kept his arms crossed as I drove.

"It'll be okay, they are just going to do another X-ray and see when they can schedule your surgery..." I said softly.

"Yeah..." he swallowed, clearing his throat, "Nothing to worry about."

As we made it to the hospital the doctors led us to the X-ray room first and it was pretty straightforward.

"Midoriya, can I speak with you a moment?" The doctor said popping in.

"Yeah, you okay?" I asked looking over at Kacchan who sat up from the X-ray stretcher.

"Yeah, I'll be fine."


That fear still pooled in my stomach when Deku left the room. I was alone at least, nothing to worry about. I sighed and stood up deciding I wanted to just pace a bit before he got back. I wanted to build the muscle back in my legs desperately.

I had already started seeing small improvements in my body with the exercises I was managing and of course eating correctly. My quirk was beginning to get stronger as well, I could manage small explosions now, nothing huge like before but the progress was promising to me.

As I continued to pace, a nurse walked in the room.

"Katsuki Bakugo right?" He said with a soft smile looking over a chart.

"Yeah." I said, hiding the fact the male nurse made my whole stomach twist into a knot at first.

"Just need to scan your bracelet for the steroids they want to put you on for the weight gain."

I nodded and let him walk towards me he scanned my bracelet but he kept moving closer which made me back up.

"You're not scared of me are you?" He asked, a smirk spread across his face.

The knot in my stomach grew bigger, but I tried to stand my ground.

"You don't have to be up my ass to scan a damn bracelet." I growled.

"See now there's the feistiness I like. Before you were all weepy and basically begging to suck my dick. That's just boring." He stepped closer and I stepped back meeting the wall now.

"Fuck off." I said firmly.

"Come on, don't you miss getting the sense fucked out of you?" His face was so close now.

Why can't I move? Just blow him away, he's close enough... DO SOMETHING DAMN IT! I kept screaming at myself in my head but my body was frozen. His hands grabbed mine and pinned them above my head.

"Still too weak to do much fighting back, huh?" He said his lips now on my neck.

"Get off me!" I snapped, my body now reacting as I tried to free my hands.

"I just want to have a little fun, nothing too serious. Calm down, don't be such a tease."

"You're inventing things in your head you sick fuck. Get off me!"

"Shhh, don't be so mean lil Katsuki."

The moment his other hand trailed down the back of my pants and his finger started trying to force its way inside me I was able to free my hands and shove him back, an explosion erupted from my palms as I did.

"I said fuck off!"

"You little shit!" The man yelled patting the flame off his scrubs and charging back towards me.

He basically tackled me to the ground, I yelped as my body collided with the floor.

"Not so tough now huh!?"

"Get off! You are going to get caught you fucking moron!" I growled as he broke the front of my pants to pull them down.

He flipped me onto my stomach holding my hands over my head still.

"I'll just make this quick then. They'll just say you seduced me anyways! You were practically offering yourself to everyone a few weeks ago!"

"Get off!"

I felt tears brimming in the corners of my eyes, I wasn't strong enough to fight him off. His grip was bruising, and my insides felt like complete knots and twists as he continued to kiss the back of my neck.

"Stop! Please, stop!" I hated how I sounded, it came out so desperate...

Just as I felt the air on my backside he was off of me. My eyes widened as thick black energy had wrapped around him and flung him against a wall and was holding him there. Deku stood in the middle of the room, the energy was coming from him? When did he learn that?

I pulled my pants up myself and scooted against the wall.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?!" Dekus voice was scary, and serious. "You think you can just take what you want?"

The nurse looked terrified, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Just put me down stop!"

"He asked you to stop too! Did you stop for him?! How many others have you attacked?!"

My eyes widened watching Deku in action, actively protecting me from someone like that...

"I'm sorry! I swear please just put me down."

Deku slammed him on the wall again before dropping him. "Don't think about moving."

Deku looked over at me and his features softened, "Hey, you okay?" He kneeled next to me as hospital guards took the nurse from the room in restraints.

"No." I said honestly.

I didn't want to cry here, I didn't want anyone else to see me weak like I was again... I only want Deku to know that side of me.

Deku removed the big green hoodie he was wearing and pulled it over me. "That's enough for today... just relax for me." He said picking me up.

He pulled the hood over my head so no one could see me and carried me out of the hospital. I felt myself trembling but I refused to break until we got home... a few silent tears had escaped but I dried them on the hood.

As soon as the front door to the house closed however I felt the flood wall snap and crash.

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