Little!mikey - sick day

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You were sleeping when you were woken up by sounds of sneezing, coughing and crying and crying. Oh no. It seems that Mikey is sick. Even worse, while in little space. You turned over to him and once he saw you were awake, he immediately pushed his head into your chest and continued sobbing.

"Mama...I feel icky."

You looked at the floor and realized he threw up. You have to clean up and give him a bath. You also have to change too since you have puke on your shirt.  You carried him to the bathroom, removed his clothes, and put him in the tub with water.

"Mommy! I wan' you in da tub too!"

"Sorry baby I have to clean while you bathe..."

Mikey then gets teary-eyed.

"Pwease mommy...I feel more ickies when you're not here..."

"Okay...I'll clean up later"

You undress and get into the tub. Today he wasn't playing with his bath toys because he was feeling very sick. You just gently washed his hair and massaged his body while giving him kisses. Calmer but he still had tears running down his face.

You were first to get out of the tub. You got a towel for yourself, drained the water and carried Mikey your shared bedroom. He likes feeling pretty when in littlespace so you put him in a cute two-piece set.

 He likes feeling pretty when in littlespace so you put him in a cute two-piece set

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You also dried his hair and tied it up into a bun. Now on to the hard part. Medicine. Mikey absolutely hated taking medicine. He would always complain about the bad taste and call you evil for making him take such a gross thing. You brought him onto your lap.

"Babyboy...can mommy give you the medication to stop feeling icky?"



"No. It's gross."

"I'll give you lots of kisses and cuddles."


"You can get kisses, cuddles, and an extra dorayaki."


You poured the medicine onto the spoon and brought it to his mouth. It took some work to get him to open his mouth but he did it.

"Ew! This is gross! Mommy is evil!" Mikey yelled.

He then ran away somewhere. Probably to the closet since it's cozy in there. You decided to just wait it out and order some dorayaki. After about 20 minutes the doorbell rang and you got the dorayaki from the delivery person.

"Ooooh, this is some nice dorayaki. I bet my little angel wants some too huh? Well since he's mad I'll just eat it myse-"

Suddenly your little "angel" jumps out of the closet and runs to you.

"Mommy! I forgive you! M'sorry!"

He can never stay mad for too long. Especially if it's dorayaki. You drop the bag on the counter and Mikey tries to grab it. You quickly snatch his hand away.

"Nuh-uh little one. You need to eat something easier on your stomach first."

He huffed but he obeys you anyway. Sits on the couch while you prepare some soup for him. Once you were done you fed him. He really is spoiled.

"Now is it dowayaki time mommy?"

"Yes, baby."

You were about to hand feed him when he snatched it out of your hands and shoved the dorayaki in his mouth. He was too cute for you to be mad at him. Once he was done with his dorayaki, you took him back to bed to take a nap. You obviously cuddled since he's very clingy.

"Thank you for taking the ickies away a mommy" he whispered dozing off.

"You're welcome, my little one."

He wrapped his arms and legs even tighter around you and was snoring right away.

Wow. It's been a hot minute. I promise I'm alive😅 I have a bunch of fics in my drafts

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