Alan imagine

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You and y/bsf/n were working at an ice cream shop down on the board walk. 'Come on y/bsf/n, he isn't that bad. Luke Perry is a heart throb.' you said with a smile. 'Cole Hauser is where it's at girl.' y/bsf/n said. Y'all both started laughing until, "Excuse me, sorry to bother but um.. have y'all seen some guys come in here. My shop just got robbed you could say by some janky bastards." Alan Frog rushed in. Now let me tell you about Alan Frog, him and his brother Edgar Frog were the talk of Santa Carla. Why? Because.. they believe in vampires.  Crazy to say but yeah. 'Um, no sorry. We haven't seen no janky bastards with comic books in here.' You said with a bit of a *I'm sorry* look on your face. 'Um, alright. thanks anyways.' Alan said kind of scratching his neck. 'Can I offer you some ice cream as a I'm sorry gift?' you said with a hopeful happy look. 'Im not a big ice cream person. ' Alan said. "We have the best ice cream on the boardwalk. It's 50 percent off too. Buy two and you'll get one for free." You said with a begging smile. "Well I can't really say no to the best now can I?" Alan said. "Great!" You said.

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