the lost boys and y/n

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This is the lost boys and y/n on a plane.

"Please make sure all of your small items are safe and secure." The flight attendant said over the intercom. David, Paul, Marko, and Dwayne all look over at y/n. Y/n was strapped into her seatbelt with a big smile on her face because she'd never been on a  plane before. But when she looked over and saw all the guys looking at her. "What are y'all looking at??" Y/n said throwing attitude. Paul leaned over. "Do you feel safe and secure y/n??" "OH SHUT UP YOU.. YOU.. YOU" y/n tried thinking of a comeback. "Come on sweetie, you got it." Paul said. David, Marko, and Dwayne were dieing looking at the scene going down. "You blonde headed muggy." y/n finished that sentence with a giggle. Marko started rolling.. literally. David silently laughed. Dwayne was unphased but deep down wanted to laugh. and Paul.. oh Paul. He was heated. "You're lucky I love you or I'd throw you out the plane so fast." Paul said. "Try me mufo." y/n said putting her sunglasses on and folding her arms over eachother.

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