y/n,the frog brothers, and Sam.

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"Come on y/n, get down please." Alan pleaded as he saw his girlfriend on top of a building next to his house. "No way, the view is amazing." Y/N said with excitement. "Oh look, is that Luke Perry over there!!" Alan said pointing to the beach. Alan had never seen his girlfriend run so fast. "WHERE IS HE.. WHERE- WHERE'S LUKE PERRY." y/n said out of breath. "Haha sucker." Alan said laughing. "I hate you." Y/n said with a pout.


"Sam Emerson, the man of your dreams. Well hello there y/n, you look darling today." Sam said talking to. himself in the bathroom mirror not knowing you were behind the door. "Maybe we should, quit the chit chat and yk.. date. M'lady." Sam winked at the mirror for the last part. You bursted out laughing. "AHHHHH!!!" Sam said and quickly closed the door. "OMG WHAT.. WHAT WERE YOU DOING." y/n asked him still dieing of laughter.


"Edgar, you can't do that. That isn't how you play the game." Y/n said. "Sure it is, I get a reverse card, then I have to spin around until my next turn!" Edgar said confidently. "Babe.. this is Monopoly. Not uno." Y/n said with a slight laugh. "Well in that case, GO FISH!" Edgar screamed. Y/n face palmed and walked out the room. "What! You're mad I won!" Edgar said.

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