them making tikoks

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Im doing Alan, Edgar, and Same first. Then im doing the lost boys +star, and Micheal.
A,E, and S:

*Alan not wanting anything to do with it but Edgar and Sam payed him $20 each for him to do it.

*Sam getting excited because he saw the cool videos on his fyp.

*Edgar looking in the camera every 5 seconds to check his hair, outfit, etc.

*Alan doing the same as Edgar even though he already knew he looked good.

*Them doing a dance (There's no oui without u and i just look it up on tiktok)


*Nanook jumping in at the end and knocking the phone down.

*They still posted it because Alan said he was only making it once.
P,M,M,D,D, and S

*Marko and Paul wanted to make a tiktok so they asked everyone else to.

*Star and Micheal being clung to each other the whole time.

*Dwayne tells David he can't have his cigarette in the tiktok because it'll get banned.

*Dwayne constantly flexing.

*Marko always smirking flirting with the phone as if it's you (tekekekekke)

*Paul winking and flipping his hair.

*David just being his hot self.

*They posted it because they had filmed it 700, 500, 000 times.

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