Chapter 15

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Holy shit.......he actually updated. XD

Yes, it has been a while, and I'm very sorry for that. Unfortunately, I can't pause life in order to continue with my work, so, at times, I must pause my work to continue with my life. However, I should have MUCH more freetime on my hands, and will hopefully be able to get back to the pace I hoped for when I started this book.

Sincerely, Me =)


Patrick gently tapped his knuckles against the reinforced door of his daughter’s room. “Vic?” he called, quietly, when she didn’t respond. “Let me in, sweetheart, I need to talk to you.” After a few more seconds, she still didn’t respond, and Patrick let out a sigh. “I’m coming in,” he stated, before slowly opening the door, and sticking his face into the room. “Vic?” he called again, stepping fully into the room, and looking around. His heart picked up speed as he noticed the room was empty, with the exception of a piece of paper, which lay on the middle of the bed. Patrick lifted it, and found it was a note written in Victoria’s handwriting. “Dear Father,” he read aloud, “I’m sorry, but I have to find Cas.”

Though there was more written, that’s all he read before shoving the note in his pocket, and running as fast as he inhuman speed would allow, reaching the quarters of his officer in a matter of seconds, and barging in, without invitation. Patrick lifted his brow at the woman that lay next to her in her bed, a small dribble of blood dripping from small puncture wounds on her neck. She quickly lifted her robe, hiding the marks as a deep shade of crimson filled her face.

An angered scowl found its way to the woman that had been feeding’s face. “Did you forget how to knock?” she spat at him.

“This is more important than you fucking company, Sandra,” Patrick hissed back.

Understanding the urgency in his voice, she stood from her bed, revealing to him her fully nude frame. Patrick turned away, allowing her privacy while she pulled on a long dress. Turning to the other woman, she ordered her to leave. She instantly stood, and crossed the room, leaving the two to talk in privacy.

“What’s wrong?” she demanded once she pulled a long gown over her head.

“It’s Victoria,” he replied. “She went after him.” Patrick raised an eyebrow at her calm expression. “Why does this not seem to surprise you?” he hissed.

“Because it’s not surprising for a young woman to disobey her father and try to be with the man she loves,” she replied.

“She’s not just a teenager, she’s the daughter of a fucking king,” he screamed. He exhaled slowly, trying to calm his nerves. “She should know better than this,” he finished, softly.

“I’ll send out men to look for her, right away, if that’s what you want,” she suggested. “But do you really think that’s the greatest idea?”

Patrick glared at her. “Of course it’s the best idea,” he hissed. “You know just as much as me what that man is capable of, and if you don’t send somebody after her right now, I swear to-“

“Patrick,” she said, placing a hand on her cheek to calm him down. “It’ll be done, don’t worry. I’ll make the orders, right now.”

Patrick let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you,” he said, and turned to leave, only to have her place a hand on his shoulder, stopping him mid-turn.

“You’ve been running around the past few months like a madman,” she stated. “I think you’re about due for some relaxation.”

Patrick lifted an eyebrow at her. “I’m sorry?” he demanded.

Prey {editing and revising}Where stories live. Discover now