Chapter 11

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Hello, and welcome fans of Cas and Vic. In the spirit of Halloween, I have decided to present you with a treat. This chapter of Prey. I don't expect you to, but it would be great if you could return the favor by treating me to some comments, so that I know which areas to improve on, and witch areas I'm doing fine on.

Thank you for your compliance =)


Casmiere clenched onto Victoria’s hand as if it was the only thing that would keep her alive. She laid in her bed, barely conscious, a doctor specializing in vampric anatomy examining her. Xero and Patrick stood in the room, as well.

“Well,” the doctor said, pulling his hand away from Victoria’s forehead. “The problem doesn’t seem to be medical,” he stated.

“What do you mean not medical?” Patrick demanded, taking a step closer.

“I’m detecting something astray with her aura,” he explained, seemingly oblivious to the threatening tone in Patrick’s voice, however unintended it was. “All magic leaves a handprint, and whatever was used on her had massive hands, if you catch my meaning.”

“Magic?” Victoria weakly demanded.

“You mean somebody did this to her?” Casmiere sneered.

The doctor sighed. “I’m afraid it seems that way,” he said. “Whatever magic was cast on her, it seemed to’ve had massive influence on her blood consumption.”

Patrick wrinkled his brow. “Meaning what, exactly?” he challenged.

“Meaning her body is absorbing more than it should when she drinks it. I’m afraid I’ve never seen this in a vampire her age.”

“But you have seen it?” Patrick demanded.

“Yes, in the elderly, and-” he stopped in midsentence.

“And nearly departed,” Victoria finished for him.

The doctor dropped his eyes to the ground. “Yes,” he breathed.

“Sorry I’m late,” a soft voice said from the door. Xero, Casmiere, Patrick and the doctor all turned to see Maralee standing in the door.

Casmiere stood only long enough to throw his arms around the woman he considered a mother, before returning to Victoria’s side. “I’m so sorry,” she said quietly, staring into Casmiere’s eyes, before turning to the doctor. “So, what’s the diagnostics?” she demanded.

“She’s under some sort of spell, though I can’t recognize the imprint,” he replied.

Maralee smiled at him. “Let me give it a shot,” she suggested, waving him from his seat.

The doctor looked to Patrick, who nodded. “Be my guest,” he replied, moving from his position.

A smile spread across Maralee’s face. “Oh, honey,” she gushed. “You aren’t feeling a magical imprint,” she explained. “You’re feeling additional energy.”

The doctor’s face twisted to one of confusion. “Impossible,” he said, holding his hand over the girl. He quickly pulled his hand away, and the color drained from his face.

“You’re right,” he said, in disbelief.

“What the hell does that mean?” Patrick demanded.

“She’s pregnant,” the doctor answered for her.

“What?” both Casmiere and Victoria aid at the same time.

The emotion on Patrick’s face faded. “That’s impossible,” he stated, and narrowed his eyes at Casmiere. “Even if they had been having sex, a female vampire cannot mother a demon child.” He returned his gaze to Maralee. “It’s impossible.”

Prey {editing and revising}Where stories live. Discover now