Reaper x Reader (SMUT/LEMON)

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Talon hired a new medic as a reliever of Moira. You were lucky enough to be hired, but for you, you had no choice. You were desperate for money, and no one was willing to hire you after you had lost your medical license. Over time, you gained a better reputation across the whole Talon for being a better medic than Moira. Taking job after job, you eventually gained everyone's friendship, except Reaper's. You thought you were already getting on his good side but he suddenly turned sour ever since you became close to Baptiste. Both of you are known as the best medics in Talon, and oftentimes during high season, you help each other in the emergency room, patching up one injured member to another.

Everyone was amazed at how synchronized you two worked, it's as if you and Baptiste are working for a long time. Some members would often tease you two, but both of you always deny it. Baptiste has a plan of leaving the Talon soon and helping notify Mercy but of course, you kept this secret. You and Sombra are helping Baptiste escape, which brought you three closer than ever. Unfortunately for the three of you, Reaper got hold of a rumor regarding your little plan. However, this rumor might be a little too different from what the truth is, it still sends Reaper to his limit. For the longest time, Reaper liked you, he started avoiding you in annoyance ever since you give more attention to Baptiste. Thinking that you like Baptiste, he watched you two from afar, taking notes and observations on how to win you over. Until one day, he heard this rumor from Widowmaker about you running away with Baptiste.

He can't let it happen, not on his watch. What he doesn't know is that the rumor is not fully accurate. Yes, Baptiste is leaving, but not with you. You're just helping his cover-up. Together with Sombra, you two were buying him more time to be able to run away the farthest he can get. Livid, the reaper decided to do something about it that night. After dinner, you were walking down the hallway to your room when suddenly a gloved hand snatched you. Covering your mouth quickly, muffling your sudden scream as you were pulled into a room. Shutting the door behind quickly, tossing you on the bed while the cloaked person lock it. Confused, you tried to make out who was behind the shadows. As Reaper stepped into the dim light of the room, your eyes widened.

Raising an eyebrow, your adrenaline slowly died and turned into confusion. Wondering what he needs from you, "Why did you bring me here, Gabriel?" You addressed the situation, thinking if he will assign you to a mission. Removing his mask, ammo belts, and other armor pieces, placing them on his side table, he avoided your questioning gaze. "I heard you have a plan with Baptiste." He began, followed by an echoing silence. Your heart began pounding fast; you started thinking of an excuse so that your friend Baptiste won't get caught. "I-I don't know what you're saying," you said firmly, moving to sit upright on the side of his bed. Chuckling, he dropped his cloak on the ground, now only left with his fitted black shirt and pants. Kicking his boots out of the way, he turned his body towards you.

Suddenly grabbing your chin, you let out a small squeak, which he found cute. "Do you think you can fool me?" Gulping, you were left there frozen with his fiery gaze focused on you. Snapping out of it, you began thinking quickly, looking at the side and possible opportunities of escape. Unfortunately for you, Reaper knows what you were doing. Smirking he caught you off guard when he pushed you down on the bed, pinning you below him as you squirmed while he moved you further. "I let you play around for long while now, mi querida. But not anymore. I can't afford you running away with another man." And with that, he suddenly smashed his lips against yours, switching your feelings from fear to a sudden surge of lust and confusion. Having a crush on Gabriel in secret didn't help at all from your plan of escaping. Instead, you melted into the kiss, wrapped your arms around his neck, and kissed him back with the same amount of passion.

A need to breathe is the only reason why you pull away from him and eventually snap back into your unanswered questions. Looking at him curiously, you wanted to ask when did he had feelings for you because all you know was that one day he started avoiding you and would rather go to Moira for healing. He noticed the confusion on your face and raised his eyebrow. Stopping himself from devouring you right then and there, as your vulnerability from underneath him sent him aroused. "I-I don't get it, I thought you hate me. You were avoiding me and until now I'm trying to figure out why—" you suddenly got cut off with a hungry kiss. Wrapping your arms around Gabriel's neck, you pulled him deeper. Tongues dancing, he easily won dominance over you and began exploring your mouth with his tongue. Mewling lightly, his hands began to roam your body, stripping you off your clothing until you're fully naked. Pulling away to admire your naked form, his eyes memorized every inch of your body before plunging his lips into your chest.

His mouth eventually moved to your hardened peaks, swirling his tongue and lightly tugging it with his teeth. Moaning, your hands began to grab his ebony locks. You watched him go from the one to the other breast, while his other hand plays with your wet nipple. Your mewls spurred him further, trailing kisses down to your stomach. Ripping off your panty, he wasted no time to taste you. He raised both of your thighs with his hands, bringing it over his shoulder as he held your waist with one arm, keeping you steady. You tried to wriggle in his grasp, but his strong grip on your waist keep you in place as he plunged his tongue inside your cavern. Your mind started to go hazy as he continued lapping your juices. Further losing your reasoning, your mind now clouded with the amount of pleasure Reaper gives you as his thumb moved towards your clit, rubbing it fastly. As he continued exploring your entrance with his tongue, you can't help but arch your back as you feel the knot in your stomach about to snap. He replaced his thumb with his mouth and lightly tugged on your clit, sending you to your edge. Chuckling, you can feel it vibrate together with the rough stubble as he licked off all your juices.

Pulling away, he smirked while you watched him undo his pants. You were in a panting mess before him, and your eyes widened more when he started freeing his huge bulge. Panicking internally, you started to worry that it might not fit you. Seeing the panic in your eyes even drove him further. Can't wait anymore, he suddenly slammed his whole shaft inside you, earning a scream from you. Grabbing his biceps, you arched your back in pain, with tears slowly falling at the edge of your eyes. Looking at the side, you tried to overcome the sudden pain of having yourself torn. Groaning and moaning your name, "Fuck you're so tight," growling in your ear. Pulling away, he grabbed your cheeks to forcefully look at him as he began to slowly move inside you. "Look at me, you're mine," he growled angrily, with so much possessiveness in his voice. Not long enough his thrusts became faster and harder, hitting your spot every time. You began to claw on his shoulders, looking for something to grip on as he pounded on you harder. Refusing to leave his eyes off you, he demanded "Say it, say that you're mine." You tried to say as he demanded, but only loud moans and mewls manage to come out.

Eventually, as you neared, you were able to say it as you tighten around his dick "I-I'm yours, G-gabriel~" clawing his back as you came around him. He continued fucking you through your climax when finally Reaper came as well, moaning your name loudly while gripping your waist tightly against him, making sure that every drop of him goes deep inside you. Falling on top of you; you two stayed like that for a good few seconds, trying to catch your breaths.

Slowly pulling out of you, he groaned and laid beside you, arms pulling you against him. "You're not leaving got it? You're mine now." Chuckling, you placed a peck on his nose and said, "Silly, I've always liked you. I never liked Baptiste. I was only helping him escape." Raising an eyebrow, you laughed even more, "That's why I was trying to figure out why you started avoiding me, or if you like Moira instead." "Never. I would never avoid you anymore because you cannot get rid of me now." Smiling you kissed him one last time before you two drifted off to sleep. 

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