Cole Cassidy(former Mccree) x Reader (SMUT/Lemon)

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Warning: This contains Smut/Lemon

Another wink was passed by Cole towards you during a mission. You rolled your eyes at how persistent he is with his flirting. You find the cowboy cute but you were worried that he is doing that to almost every girl that he meets, and that's what turned you off, making you hold back your feelings towards him. Meanwhile, Cole feels hopeless towards you already. Thinking that you might like someone else that is why you were holding back. He still tries to get your attention, or sometimes he pushes your buttons to further know the truth if you like someone else. However, to no avail did his pursuits went anywhere with you.

Getting frustrated, he felt straight up asking you what you think about him, but as brave as he may seem, he lacks courage when it comes to you. Each time he sees you brush off his advances, he can't help but feel down inside. Wanting to end the passive phase you two are in, he took the opportunity tonight to finally ask you for the truth. Asking Ashe for a favor to help him out, she came up with a plan by initiating seven minutes in heaven game. Part of your hang out was to drink and talk about your day, however tonight, Ashe wants to spice it up by asking you all to finish your drinks and participate in this game. Conspiring with Cole, Ashe made sure to place a small sticky tape behind your name and stick it inside the hat of the cowboy before putting all the other papers with names.

During the draw, you can't help but pray to not get picked by Cole. One by one, the other agents were picking each other off, spending 7 minutes inside the closet. Some are caught kissing, making out, or doing nothing. Finally, the bottle stopped at the cowboy who can't keep his eyes off you the whole night. You stood up to go to the counter and get more drinks, wanting to not witness the draw of his hand. You almost dropped the bottle on the floor when he reached out inside his hat, plucked the paper stuck with a tape at the bottom, and then read it out loud, proudly "Y/N!" You gulped, looking behind, seeing his victorious smile as he excitedly entered the small closet. Soon after, Ashe made you place the glasses on the counter then dragged you to throw you inside the closet. "7 minutes! Don't make a mess!" was all she said before shutting the door.

The dark closet prompted you to take out your phone and use a flashlight to see where your partner is. Flashing light at him, you blushed at the sight of him without a hat. He squinted a little from the sudden light and moved closer towards you, holding your hand with the cellphone, lowering it down to avoid the light from striking his eyes. "You look tensed, sugar," he started with his smooth tone. "I-I was just surprised to see you without your hat," you said looking away, making him chuckle. "Hey, I was um...going to ask you something," curious at his statement, you began to look at him again only to see him looking away and scratching the back of his head shyly. Waiting for him to respond, the silence made him understand the signal "So, do you like someone? Because if you do, I'm gonna make you change your mind." Being dense, you asked, "Why?--" "Because I like you. Do you feel the same, pumpkin? It's ok if you don't," he replied snappily. Shocked at what he said, you took the time to reply and process what he said. "But I thought you like other girls? I mean, you flirt with everyone, I-I'm not even sure if you're serious about me," you looked down, remembering why you tied your feelings down for him.

"Is that why you always try to ignore me?" you nodded slightly while looking down, afraid to break his heart because you know it will break yours too. "Sweetheart, I promise you, I've never been this serious to anyone but you. I was friendly, but if you find it uncomfortable to see, then I'll change it for you," he promised, holding both of your hands tightly. He kissed your knuckles lightly, making your heart flutter even more. It's your first time to see him like this, which you cannot believe since he is often that male who teases everyone. Seeing this side of him made you know that he is telling the truth. You smiled at him and said, "You don't have to change too much for me, as long as you promise me that you only show that side to me." "Of course darling, only you get to see my romantic side, I may be playful with everyone, but I only get serious when it comes to you." Cole then suddenly closed the little distance between you two and captured your lips with a heated passion. You immediately ran your fingers through his disheveled hair, kissing back with an equal amount of passion.

He pushed you against the wall, hands quickly roaming your rear, lifting your skirt, and grabbing you from underneath your thighs to elevate you to his height. You two broke the kiss, panting and smiling widely at each other. Quickly wrapping your thighs around his waist, you grabbed him by the collar of his shirt to pull him for another kiss. He broke the kiss quickly to attack your neck, looking for any weak spots. As his lips trailed your jaw down to your neck, his now free hands try to unclasp your bra. You held on to his shoulders and let out a small mewl when his lips hit your sensitive spot. Having a sharp sense of hearing, he quickly took advantage of it by suckling on it and biting it, leaving a huge hickey. Moaning his name, you clawed his shoulder in both pain and pleasure.

He went back to kissing you as you grind your hips against the growing bulge in his pants, teasing him and making him groan on your lips. While you were working on the upper buttons of his polo shirt, and while he was exploring your mouth with his tongue, the door slammed open, revealing a shouting Ashe asking you two to get out of her closet. "What did I tell you about not making a mess? Go get a fukin' room!" With that, she motioned you two to get out, stunning everyone outside seeing how you two looked like. Shaking her head, Ashe commented as you two made your escape "You two looked like you roll in the hay!" Blushing, Cole lead you upstairs to his room, quickly locking the door behind you two before turning to you immediately, pouncing on you like a predator.

You squealed in surprise and almost fell but his arms quickly caught you, supporting your back before bringing you back up to a standing position. His hands stopped at the corner of your shirt, swiftly disposing it along with your unclasped bra, revealing your bare chest to him. Feeling a bit unfair, you pouted and unbutton his shirt as well, pulling it open, revealing his toned tan hair chest. Without any notice, he placed his wet lips on your chest, suckling on your hardened buds. Once done, he straightened up again to place a sweet kiss on your lips before spinning you around. He then pushed you on the bed, stomach down, kneeling. He pulled your hips and knees closer to the edge of the bed. Your eyes widened when you heard his belt and pants fall to the ground. Stroking his hardened member, he rubbed it outside your entrance, spreading his pre-cum and your wetness around it. "Ready sweetheart? You sure about this?" You tried to look behind, nodding. You saw him smirk, "You better be sure because once I fuck you, yain't going anywhere, I ain't lettin you go." Having that his final word, he slowly thrust his full girth inside you, throwing his head back in pleasure. "F-fuck Y/N, you're so tight."

You almost screamed in pain, moaning his name loudly. He let you adjust to his size for a while before slowly thrusting inside you. "Damn, I don't think I can last long darling, not with this kind of pussy," the cowboy said as he picked up his speed. Lowering your back and keeping your ass up to get a better angle. He pounded deeper and harder, hitting your spot every time, sending pleasure waves throughout your body. Every time he hits your spot, you moan loudly, sending him closer and closer to his end. Before he could lose control, he pulled away quickly, making you miss his length. He turned you around, with your back now on the bed. Cole wanted to remember the face that you'll make as you two finish, that is why he spun you around to face him. Wasting no time, he thrust back inside you, making you gasp again, and him lifting your legs up to your chest. He began ram inside you animalistically, letting you know that he was about to cum. Grabbing both of your hands to the side of your head, both of you kept eye contact until you can't hold it any longer. You felt your walls clamp around him, tipping him over the edge as you both moan each other's names loudly. Feeling his hot seed spill inside of you, he groaned your name one last time as he ride down his high slowly stopping his last deep pounds.

Ending up in a kiss, you pulled away eventually to catch both of your breaths. The cowboy pulled away, letting some of his cum seep out of you. He laid beside you, pulling you into his strong arms. When you both finally caught your breathing, Cole abruptly admitted, "Since we're a couple now, I think it's best that I don't hide this secret from you." "What secret?" "I asked Ashe for help to rig the game so that I could get you with me inside the closet," he said. Eyes widening at this revelation, you playfully slapped his chest and said, "Why would you do that?" "Because I wanted to tell you how much I love you. I've always done, and it bugs me every time thinking what if you don't like me back." You giggled and said, "Silly, of course, I don't like you." His expression suddenly changed from comfort to worry, sending you into a more fit of laughter. "I don't like you, I love you." Pissed with how you played with his emotions, he suddenly attacked you with a barrage of tickling. 

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