Soldier 76/Jack Morrison x Reader (SMUT/LEMON)

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Warning: this contains smut/lemon

Living in a secluded village, you were thankful that you never get to be included in wars, battles, and other ruckus other cities experience nowadays. Watching the news, you often see Commander Jack Morrison and his team fight for the safety of other places. You feel sad whenever you see other cities get bombed or civilians caught in the fight, but you suddenly feel your heart flutter whenever the commander comes on screen. You can't help but swoon or blush, that even your friends notice and started teasing you. Other ladies in your village would watch television series meanwhile you would rather watch the news every time just to see the handsome and brave overwatch commander.

As the daughter of the village chief, you help around a lot, especially in the community clinic. Having graduated in medicine, you dedicated yourself to developing your area. You began thinking of joining overwatch as a medic, inspired by the heroic leads of Jack Morrison. Unfortunately, your father has pleaded with you to stay since the village would be needing someone to take over once he passes away. Your father is not that young anymore, and your mother recently passed away. Everyone is relying on you for the future of the village, even if your heart greatly desires to seek adventure in other big cities, you chose to set that aside in the meantime. You watched the brave commander on-screen with envy and admiration.

It's as if the heavens heard your wishes and your desire to take on an adventure outside the city. One day, as you were doing patrols around the village, you came across running farmers along the road, asking for help. Hurriedly, you went to check on them. "Maám, we need help, there were several soldiers that crawled into our cornfield. They were all wounded!" One of the farmers exclaimed. You decided to follow them to their cottage to see what they were talking about. On the way to their cottage, one of them told you, "We have nothing to help cure them, we tried to do some first aid but some of them are badly wounded, I think one even needs amputation. We were desperate in seeking help that's why we came to you." Understanding the gravity of the situation, you were shocked as the door opened and see several bleeding men, and one of them is a very familiar blonde to you. The commander himself. Without any questions, you immediately helped move him and his men towards the townsquare, and to the clinic. Everyone in town stopped in their activities when they saw the overwatch soldiers and even the commander himself be transported to the clinic.

You happened to know that they got ambushed on the way to delivering supplies to a city. Luckily they found your quiet village nearby. Days passed and the team quickly healed. Throughout the days they stayed in the small infirmary, Jack and you got to know each other well. You two would talk endlessly about his adventures while you are changing his bandages. Soon, the commander found himself falling for you as he watched your beauty move around the infirmary. Thankful for your assistance, he gave you one of his badges as a remembrance. Having no money with him at the moment, he hoped that it can be sufficient enough as payment for your help. Blushing at the gesture, you reassured him that it is more than enough and that you don't need any payment for helping him and his team. "Come with me, we can go on adventures together" Jack held both of your arms as he pulled you closer. "I-I can't, I have a village to look after," you looked down sadly, tears slowly falling from your eyes. Jack lifted your chin and wiped away your tears with his thumb.

"I'll be back, I promise." Before you could reply, his lips captured yours. Eyes widening with your heart thumping loudly, you slowly melted in the kiss, eventually kissing back. Your heated kiss was broken when one of his soldiers interrupted accidentally, "Sir, Are we going—Oh I-i'm sorry sir," seeing the moment, he immediately left. Pulling away due to the sudden interruption, Jack sighed and stroked your cheek. "Wait for me, got it?" Nodding, he finally turned around, grabbed his guns, and left. You watched them mount a rescue helicopter and vanish through the distance. A few years passed, you are now doubtful that he will actually return. The little hope you had left vanished when you heard from the news about the death of the said commander. You clutched his badge near your aching chest, hoping that it could help ease the pain.

For the past few days, you were never the same, having to lose someone you love left you gloomy. Your friends tried their best in cheering you up but to no avail. When all hope seems to be lost, your friends stumbled to what seemed like a miracle on the way home. You kept yourself busy tending with patients in the clinic when one of your friends is running frantically, burst open the door shouting, "Y/N! Y/N! YOU GOTTA COME OUTSIDE NOW!!" Curious, you wondered what seemed to be the trouble this time. There are a lot of bystanders gathering around when your friend pulled you out of the crowd and into the open to see a familiar blonde coming towards you. You were speechless, unbelieving at what you see. "I thought you were dead??" Tears start flowing out of you uncontrollably, shaking from your mixed emotions. Laughing at your reaction, Jack swooped you off your feet into a tight bear hug. Both of you are chuckling while tears of happiness continuously flow from your eyes.

Not long after, there was a sudden celebration from your house as you introduce him to your father. Seeking approval for him to stay in the village. When the party died down, you silently crept to his quarters to visit him. Locking the door behind you, you approached Jack who is currently staring out of the window. "Can't sleep?" "No, I was just savoring this moment, where I can finally get peace." He turned to you, smiling. "Is that the reason why you faked your death?" He nodded lightly and cupped your face with one hand. "I'm tired of the constant battle with fear of dying....of losing you." "Well, I'm here now." You reassured him before closing the distance between your lips. Soon, the kiss becomes heated as Jack's hand starts to roam under your shirt and found its way to unclasp your bra.

Not allowing to be the only one being stripped off, your hands began to roam underneath his shirt as well, feeling his muscular chest and abs before tugging on it. You two broke your kiss to briefly strip each other of clothing. Kneeling in front of him, you began working on his pants, unzipping them and freeing his huge hardened cock. Grabbing it, you began sucking on the tip and slowly worked deeper into his shaft. You looked up at him, with his cock in your mouth, sucking while swirling your tongue around it. Gasping, he grabbed your hair and pushed your head deeper into his member, making you gag as the tip touched your throat. His groans mixed with your muffled hums echoed in the room. You picked up your speed, making him throw his head in pleasure. He immediately pulled you away when he felt that he was nearing his end, pushing you on the bed.

Grabbing both of your legs to the edge of the bed and bends them up to remove your panty. Jack wasted no time in plunging his mouth into your wet entrance, licking and sucking all of your juices. Mewls spilled out of your mouth as his tongue skillfully thrust inside you. It was your turn to grab his hair when you feel that the knot in your stomach is about to snap. Cumming in his mouth, you arched your back as you wailed in pleasure, moaning his name as you do so. Pulling away to wipe his lips, he dragged your waist over the edge of the bed while he placed your legs on his shoulders. "Ready sweetheart?" Jack's blue eyes glimmered with lust as he thrust his full length inside you without any warning, earning another loud moan from you. "F-fuck," Jack groaned, feeling your tight pulsing walls against his dick. Your breath became even more uneven when he started thrusting slowly.

Jack quickly picked up his speed, almost pulling out completely before slamming back inside, making you yelp in pleasure. He pounded inside you mercilessly, hungrily captured your lips, bending your legs as he leaned towards you. Gaining more access to your g-spot, he abused it by constantly hitting it, sending you into a moaning mess. "J-jack, a-ah–ah!" Biting your lower lip, he pulled away to watch your expression as you came against his cock. "Oh god Y/N, fuck you feel so good," he groaned as his thrusts became erratic and shallow, eventually cumming deep inside you. Last two slams, he held your hips tightly, making sure he is buried deep within you as he came. Pulling out, you feel some of his liquid start to slip out of you. He pulled you towards his chest while both of you are still trying to catch your breaths.

Smiling hazily, you two fell asleep in each other's arms. Finally, both of you have found a home.

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