Hanzo Shimada x Reader (SMUT/Lemon)

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You sighed before you took another bite on your slice of pizza. It was your ladies' night out in overwatch and you just finished telling everyone about your recent frustration with your crush, Hanzo. "I don't get it. I tried everything, maybe he's not into me?" "Pfft. Impossible, no man can resist your charm girl!" Ashe remarked. "Then explain this," you placed your pizza on the plate before you begin your excruciating story. "I was in the training field the other day with him. I wore the fitted outfit Hana gifted me then I pretended to trip so that he could help me right?" The girls all hum in confirmation that they were listening to your story. "Ok so here's the thing, he went to help me, but then he literally just picked me up and dropped me off by the benches and left me there! He called other guys to help me out! I was even trying to dip my chest closer to him for him to get a better view of my ladies," you gestured to your chest frustratedly, "but every time he glances, he immediately turns away! Now tell me that isn't avoiding." You grabbed your pizza and took a huge harsh bite. Angela sighed, trying to think of more ways of helping you get your crush to like you back.

"Have you tried asking Sombra to spy on him, maybe you can get some info about his interests," Mei tried to suggest. "Way ahead of you sister, the man is boring A F" Sombra emphasized while scrolling her phone. "I'm telling you, find another man, we've seen his data, are you really going for an old dude like him?" Sombra raised her eyebrow at you. Sighing, Angela agreed with the other girls, "They're right, Y/N, maybe it's time that you move on and find another man." Most of them started giving options upon agreeing. "How about Cole? He seems to like you," Hana suggested. "Oh please! You're gonna get her in trouble. That guy's a red flag," Ashe immediately butts in. "But how would we know if Y/N won't give it a try? Besides, it's just for the sake of moving on, you won't take him seriously, right?" Widowmaker looked at you, waiting for your answer. Nodding fastly, you felt your heart drop at the thought of letting Hanzo go and settle for someone else you never really liked. But at the same time, having someone like you back feels flattering, especially now that you feel rejected.

"I warned yáll," Ashe gave said before laying back on the sofa, letting you discover for yourself what she meant. Going with the advice of most women in your team, you started reciprocating Cole Cassidy's advancements towards you. Before you always try to get Hanzo's attention by asking him for help with tasks, now, you ask Cole when you need help in reaching something over the shelf or assisting you in carrying things. Cole happily helps you as he sees this as a chance to passively flirt with you. While you're on the way to the stock room, carrying boxes, you were laughing at the jokes and stories he's saying. Hanzo can't help but feel a sting in his chest whenever he hears the lovely sound of your laughter, only to see Cole being the one pulling them from your lips. A team-building party is being held soon and you were one of the people tasked by Jack to help coordinate with setting up the venue. Everyone was busy preparing, meanwhile, Hanzo and Cole sat in a corner, waiting for orders from Jack.

Having a hard time carrying most of the decorations and putting them in a higher place, you saw the two sitting in a corner doing nothing. Little did you know that they were both watching you the whole time getting commanded by Jack, running around, getting things to put in the ceiling. Seeing you walk towards them, they immediately knew that you need help in placing the decorations on the ceiling. Hanzo anticipated it, wanting to get ahead of Cole, he immediately stood only to be pat in the shoulder down by Cole himself. "I got this buddy," pressing his shoulder lightly to gesture for him to sit down as he made his way over to you. Hanzo curled his fist into a ball in anger, trying to resist the urge to punch the cowboy in front of him.

Exhaling deeply, he sit back again and watched you two put up decorations. Every time Cassidy makes some flirtatious move or remarks that make you giggle, a 'tch' sound comes out of him. His sharp eye watches you two closely, making sure that the cowboy keeps his hands to himself because the moment he let it wander, he will definitely shoot an arrow through his heart. Seeing the little fuss his brother is keeping to himself, Genji went to approach Hanzo. "You know, you should make a move on her. At this rate, looks like the cowboy's gonna win." He started looking down at his slumping brother. Hanzo just sighed and refused to look at Genji. "You can't always keep your emotions to yourself, brother. Sometimes, you need to release it in order to win." With that, Genji left, leaving Hanzo to think about it as well. After a while of watching you and Cole finalize the decorations, he decided that he will make a move on the event itself.

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