...Aunt May died in Ironman 2

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Tony's pov

i soar through the sky, dodging attacks from the suits, Rhodey warning me of anything major. i see what looks like a young 8 or 9 year old boy in a toy ironman mask and fake gloves. he stands in front of a young, incredibly hot woman, shielding her from the rogue suits. the suit lifts up its arm and even from here i can hear the repulsors fire up. however, unlike mine, these are made to kill.

the repulsors charge and fire, colliding with the woman who leaped in front of the child. i speed up towards the people, shooting the suit, rendering it useless. i land down beside the lady as the boy hugs her side whimpering.

"m-may. aunt may!" he cries, clinging onto her arm.

"ma'am! stay with me! we can get help" i got to turn to get help but she grabs my arm and shakes her head.

"look after him. hes has nothing. no one" i nod quickly, looking at the small child for the first time. he's adorable. she turns to him "and remember pete. with great power, there must also come great responsibility."

she coughs and lays her head onto the floor, eyes glazing over.

"what are you doing. may? talk to me?" he grabs her hand tightly "m-may?"

he looks up at me with tears in his eyes. i bring my hand down to her face and close her eyes, then scoop the boy up in my arms, flying him to safety.


i sit down on the sofa with a bowl popcorn, grabbing the remote and putting on a star wars film as peter launches himself onto the sofa next to me. he buried himself under the duvet, snuggling into my side and grabbing a handful of popcorn. pepper takes a seat the other side of me pulling the blanket on top of her too. she lays her head on my shoulder, smiling as we listen to our son quoting along with the film.

half way through the film i look down to see peter asleep, head resting against my arm. my smile grows and i lean down, kissing him on the top of the head, remembering how lucky i am for my little family.

suddenly, peter starts groaning and whimpering in his sleep, tossing and turning from side to side. i carefully run my hand through his hair, whispering comforting words to my son.

"peter, its okay kid. youre okay" his eyes flutter open as he looks up at me, a few small tears can he seen. i pull him close to my chest and kiss him on the top of his head, fiddling with his hair. he cuddles into me and i wrap my arms around him.

"i love you Dad" he smiles up at me, resting his head on my shoulder.

"love you too kiddo" i pull pepper into my side and snuggle down under the blanket, smiling at my life.

Peter's pov

i sit on the plane next to mum, fiddling with my hands as we fly away from new york, away from the battle. mum looks worried and has tears in her eyes. i grab her hand and smile comfortingly, although im sure the worry is evident in my eyes.

as we fly further and further away we cant take our eyes off the tv. i gasp as i see a nuke headed towards the city, but the more worrying sight is Dad flying straight towards it.

as dad collides with the bomb, i hear mums phone begin to vibrate on the side, but mum is in too much of a trance to notice. i grab her phone, and seeing that its dad i shake mums shoulder. she just looks up at me, giving me a weak smile with panic in her eyes before turning back to the tv.

i answer the phone, only hear dads laboured breathing on the other end.

"dad?" i whisper as tears brim in my eyes.

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