Chapter 1

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As a small child, Jimmy had loved the winter months. Every time there was snow, he would run outside and play in it. He would build snowmen and throw snowballs. He broke icicles off the roof of the house he lived in and would swing them around as if it were a sword.

Christmas was always something wonderful too. The presents under the Christmas tree which was decorated with baubles and lights every year. But now

Now he wished the snow would never come. Now he didn't want to see those colorful Christmas lights. The winter months were a part of the year he didn't like anymore. Now he didn't play in the snow with his sister or make snow angels.

Until last year he had enjoyed it so much and always had a smile on his face.

Until last year.

He picked up a picture frame with a photo in it and looked at it with a sad smile. His sister Lizzy was in the picture in her white/light blue wedding dress. She was smiling from ear to ear. It had been her big day and Jimmy could understand why. It had been a beautiful spring day with no rain and the temperature had been mild.

As if it knew it was an important day for someone that day.

Lizzy had talked about it for weeks after that day. Jimmy could understand why. She had married a good man who loved her very much. Jimmy had known Joel for years before he had a relationship with his sister so he knew that he was good for her.

That day had been years ago but it was something that would never be forgotten by Jimmy.

Carefully he closed the leg of the photo frame and put the photo in a box. He closed the cardboard box and looked around.

The whole room was full of boxes. Moving boxes that would be gone by the next evening and on their way to their new place where they would be unpacked again.

It was already getting dark and the temperature was starting to drop. It was the middle of autumn so it was already colder than the weeks before.

The blond stood up and walked to the coat rack where he grabbed his coat. He went out the door and locked it behind him. He took the key out of the lock and walked down the stone path away from the building he called his house.

The cars drove past him at high speed while the blond walked along the pavement. The vehicles were just quick stripes in front of him. Jimmy could have taken the car but it was only a short distance and a walk wasn't bad either.

Apart from the sound of the cars, it was unusually quiet. No sirens in the distance or the loud chatter of people who had had a little too much to drink.

With his hands in his pockets, Jimmy walked under the light of the lampposts until he reached a large fence. He stared at the metal for a moment before turning right and walking towards a small house.

The fences were surrounding a cemetery for protection. A few months before, a couple of grave robbers had come and stolen something. Usually, the police caught them quickly but not this time. That's why there were fences around the cemetery now.

The blond arrived at the door of the old-fashioned house and knocked.

If you wanted to go to the cemetery after the fences were closed, you just had to knock on Stefan's door and the old man would open the fences for you with his big bunch of keys and close them again after you had finished your visit.

The door opened and the blond greeted the friendly old man who also greeted him back. When Stefan had grabbed his flashlight and coat the two walked to the gates. Once they were open Jimmy walked onto the grounds and Stefan waited for him.

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