Chapter 4

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"Scott, I'm going to fall!"

"You're not going to fall."

"Yes I am!"

Scott sighed and held the ladder again. He and Jimmy were busy hanging lights around the blond's house. Earlier that day they had also decorated the inside of his house with the help of fWhip.

Jimmy hung the last lights and then carefully descended from the ladder. The whole time he had been high up on the ladder he had been asking Scott to hold the thing so it wouldn't wobble.

"See you didn't fall." Scott said as Jimmy grabbed his hands which were shaking. They both started laughing and Jimmy admitted that he was acting a bit silly.

After the evening two days ago, the backpack that Jimmy always carried with him had almost completely disappeared since then.

To take a step forward in coping, Scott gave the simple idea of seeing the good side of Christmas. Call it cliche but it worked. Somehow.

"This is the last thing I'm hanging up." Jimmy said as he started walking towards Gem her bakery with Scott following behind him and laughing.

The cyanette had to admit that he had collected a lot of Christmas stuff but it looked nice.

The two entered the bakery and were immediately greeted by Pearl and some strangers.

"Jimmy, Scott come here." the brunette called out as she waved to the two.

The two looked surprised for a moment but then went over to her.

"Guys these are the two I was talking to Gem about earlier." Pearl told the group of 4 who were also in the bakery. It was a blonde, a ravennet and 2 other brunettes.

Pearl turned back to Jimmy and Scott and introduced the group of 4 to them. The blond turned out to be called Grian. The raven-haired one was Mumbo and the other two were Scar and Impulse. They lived in the town where Pearl grew up and the 5 had become friends when they were little and they were here for Christmas.

It didn't take long before the whole group was talking to each other.

There was a cozy atmosphere in the bakery.

When it was about just after 10 o'clock and it had been dark outside for a long time, Pearl wanted to show the others the Christmas tree that had been put up on the square.

Scott and Jimmy had seen it already of course, but only during the day and not yet when it was dark, so they went with her.

Jimmy had his eyes so much on the tree once they were outside that he didn't see the looks the cyanette next to him was giving him


Christmas was getting closer. It was only 2 days away now. Jimmy wasn't in his house right now, or in Scott's house or in the bakery. He wasn't even in the village.

The blond stood before the graves of Lizzie and Joel and placed a decorated box with a red ribbon on each.

"Merry early Christmas" the blond murmured with a smile.

"I promised this, didn't I? That I would visit again." Before the blond continued talking he swept away some snow and laid down a few flowers. They were white flowers. Jimmy thought they looked beautiful.

The blond turned around and walked out of the cemetery. Here and there were other people visiting those they had lost.

At the entrance of the cemetery stood Scott. He seemed to be talking to Stefan. The blond had introduced the older man to the cyanette when they had arrived in Jimmy's old village.

A flower for Christmas (Flower Husbands)Where stories live. Discover now